Are You Serious?


Even though I knew I should have been focusing on the meeting I was currently having with Uncle Yavok, Vasilisa and the board of directors, I could not stop myself from repeatedly clicking on the phone of my screen in hopes I would see a message pop in. 

Well not just any message, since I had been getting them for the entire day but specifically a message from Demyan. Whenever I checked the message I had sent to him it only said 'sent' instead of the 'seen' I was so desperately waiting for. 

"Mister Jones," Vasilisa softly called me out of my thoughts. At the company in front of our employees it was seen to be more respectable to refer to each other with our last names. I blinked rapidly and looked at her with a slightly flushed face as everyone in the meeting room looked at me with expectant eyes. "Would you like to tell Mister Chernyshevsky on whether you would like the two weeks off to familiarise yourself with the company and deal with the changing over before you officially step in?"

I leaned back in my chair as I turned to face Uncle Yavok, "That is an option?"

"Of course," he laughed, "No CEO becomes CEO overnight, it's a long transition."

"Mister Chernyshevsky's contract still has three months before it expires, therefore he is liable to finish off his existing contracts whilst you form your own team, renovate any spaces that you feel are necessary and go through the list of employees to see is there any you would like to keep or let go," Vasilisa explained.

I nodded in understanding, "Will I need to take the two weeks off?"

"It is always preferable because it gives you a chance to rest before the busiest time of your life," Uncle Yavok. "Obviously Mister Chernyshevsky-Coleman and I will guide you throughout the two weeks on how your life will change before you come back."

"Okay," I let out a sigh, "Well I think it will be a good idea."

"Excellent," Uncle Yavok clapped.

The meeting lasted for another hour before I could finally check my phone again. This time however the message I sent to Demyan now said 'seen'. My heart rate accelerated as if he was right in front of me. I hoped there would be an answer but he had read it thirty minutes ago and that was an answer within itself. 

I threw myself down on my office chair which was still in the finance department as I was yet to move to the top floor and covered my face with my hands. What about my message could have possibly been wrong?


 I'm sorry about last night. May we talk? I don't want things to be this way Demy, I promise I won't do anything but talk. You have my word.

I guessed I did not blame him for not trusting me. It was not like I had the greatest track record when it came to keeping my word. I had betrayed Demyan's trust on multiple occasions and I knew he did not owe me a thing when it came to favours. 

It does not mean it hurt any less when I thought about it. 

Just as I was about to give up on hope and pack my things to call it a day then head home, there was a knock on my door. For a moment my heart fluttered as I saw the blue eyes and bright platinum blonde curly hair then quickly realised that it was in fact the wrong twin. 

"Someone doesn't seem that happy to see me," she grinned, "Or were you expecting the strong model ballet version of me."

I let out a scoff, "You've always been my personal favourite."

She let out a loud laugh, "I so believe you."

"What do I owe the pleasure?" I gave her a kind smile as she fully entered the office and closed the door behind her. 

"I just wanted to know if I can put in the two week leave notice for you and Uncle Yavok wanted to know if you wanted to renovate the office space so he can move out in the meantime to the office downstairs."

I nodded as I looked down to my calendar, "Will you attend the meetings I had in place for me?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then yes and I am unsure on whether or not to renovate the space. I think I'm going to need a lot of help when it comes to that. Give me a few days to make up my mind."

"I know a pretty good interior designer who can help you, I've heard that he has the eye of the gods when it comes to decor," she knowingly grinned.

I let out a sigh, "Vasilisa, you know very well that Demyan hates the very earth I walk on."

"I don't think he would refuse a fifty million pound contract even if it came from you if you decided to renovate the entire building," she shrugged, "I think it would force the sparks to reignite."

"Trust me he wants them dead. Plus aren't you crazy about Makia, his new girlfriend."

"Malia," she corrected, "And unlike the rest of my family I am not crazy about my brother's new girlfriend." She did not wait for me to respond and she swiftly spun on her heels then walked towards the door, "Think about what I'm saying about the interior designer and I'll put the notice in." I simply nodded as she opened the door to walk out but quickly turned with a gasp, "I forgot to tell you there's a guest here for you."

"Who is it?" I sighed not in the mood to see anyone. 

"I cannot say but they are very important and would like to see you urgently. Would you like me to send them up?"

I tilted my head and looked at her with an 'are you serious?' facial expression but decided to keep my opinion to myself. Surely she must have known what she was doing. "Very well Lisa, you may send them up."

"I'll do it immediately," she grinned happily , which made me extremely suspicious. What in the world was she up to?

After five minutes, I could hear the loud murmur of the office staff on the floor as even a few stood from the desks to take in whoever had walked in. That increased my curiosity as I myself tried to see past the glass panels that formed a boundary wall and immediately my heart fell to the pits of my stomach. 

Walking like the ever gracious model he was, Demyan walked down the pathway to my office immediately commanding the space around him.