Chronos Corp. Headquarters

Thompson immediately led Connor to his car. It is a sleek, black vehicle that seemed to glide over the ground with effortless precision as the driver pulled up to the entrance of the school's main building. The model of the car was similar to that of a Mercedes.

As they settled in, a slight tension settled onto both of them, both aware of the things that happened earlier.

"Firstly," Thompson began, trying to break the ice, "I would like to apologize to you for my actions earlier. They were not something representative of Chronos Corp. endorses."

Connor, looking out of the window, replied, "Eh, it's no big deal. You aren't the problem, it's Ethan. So, where are we headed?"

Thompson nodded, appreciating the polite response and how calm and level-headed Connor is. "Thank you for that, Connor. Quite an impressive young man. And we're flying to Old York, the heart of New America."

Connor quickly texted his father, informing him of his acceptance into Chronos Corp. and their immediate flight to the New American headquarters in Old York. He mentioned the details briefly, knowing his father would understand the importance.

The car ride to the airport was brief, filled with small talk and occasional silence. Connor noted the sleek design of the car, the way it smoothly navigated through traffic. Thompson kept the conversation light, asking about Connor's interests and background.

"So, what do you like to do in your spare time, Connor?" Thompson asked, genuinely curious about this prodigal son.

Connor thought for a moment. "I enjoy reading, mainly about history and strategy. I also spend a lot of time training, both physically and mentally."

This is true, well mostly for the older Connor from the future. His days were spent in solitude, training and escaping reality through various means other than alcohol and substance abuse.

He found physical and mental training were really stimulating for him. For some reason, it really got his blood pumping. And the occasional fantasy book helped keep his mind sane.

If this had been the young Connor of this timeline, he'd mostly likely be living a rather structured but leisure lifestyle befitting that of a kid born in wealth. He enjoyed gaming, reading fantasy books, and hanging with the only person he could call his best and only friend.

Though, Connor realized he hadn't heard from Kaipo in months. Probably in juvie now that he thought about it.

Thompson smiled. "A well-rounded individual. That's good to hear. Chronos Corp values versatility."

As they arrived at the private airport, the jet waiting for them was a proof of Chronos Corp's resources—sleek, modern, and equipped with the latest aeronautical technology.

As they boarded, Thompson said, "Connor, I have to be honest with you. I'm not equipped to make any final offers. Your talent and potential are far beyond what we usually see. You'll meet with an individual who's higher ranked than myself and can provide you with the opportunities you deserve."

Connor nodded, appreciating the honesty. He observed Thompson closely, noting his keen eye and professional demeanor. Despite his age, Connor could tell that Thompson recognized talent and was dedicated to his role.

He also sensed a genuine desire to ensure Connor's success, knowing it would reflect well on him too. Even if the motives were mostly selfish, he set lest still saw fit to get Connor right,

The flight was smooth and quick, lasting only thirty minutes. He had never flown on a jet as fast and smooth as this one. He could hardly tell he was flying at supersonic speeds.

As they landed, a driver waited outside the plane, his sharp eyes assessing Connor immediately.

"Welcome, Mr. Lin," the steward greeted warmly. "I'm here to ensure your travels to Chronos Corp is seamless."

Connor offered a polite nod. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

'News sure does travel fast,' Connor had no doubt the social media posts and videos had spread fast across the youth platforms lie a wildfire. Not to mention a big shot like Chronos Corp. catching wind of such developments.

Not wasting any time, they hopped into a hover car, its sleek design and luxurious interior immediately recognizable to Connor. He marveled at the advanced technology, noting that this model wasn't yet released to the public.

As the car sped past various landmarks, a blur of futuristic architecture and historical remnants, Connor found himself reflecting on the recent history of the region.

Seven decades ago, internal strife within the United States in 2093 had nearly led to an all-out civil war between the Left and Right wings. Economic disparity and political corruption had reached a breaking point, resulting in widespread unrest.

The conflict was narrowly averted through a series of sweeping reforms, leading to the establishment of New America in just a span of 6-7 short years. As a result, the renaming of states, such as New York becoming Old York, symbolized a subtle, but fresh start and a new era of governance.

The hover car zoomed past tall skyscrapers gleaming in the noon sun. The streets below were bustling with people, each seemingly engrossed in their own lives.

Connor noticed the mix of old and new—historic buildings standing side by side with modern architectural marvels, creating a unique skyline that was distinctly New America. One noticeable one would be the all time memorable Empire State Building, looking even more grander than he remembered.

Lost in thought, Connor almost missed their arrival at Chronos Corp headquarters. The main building was a marvel to behold—a massive structure of glass and steel, designed to evoke both power and elegance.

The Chronos Corp logo was of an intricate depiction of Chronos, the Titan of Time, wielding a scythe and a complex sphere adorning the front grounds of the company. It was a symbol of their dominance and their timeless quest for innovation.

The hover car came to a smooth stop, and Connor stepped out, gazing up at the imposing headquarters.

"Welcome to Chronos Corp," Thompson said, gesturing toward the grand entrance. "This is where your journey truly begins."

The lobby of Chronos Corp's headquarters was as impressive as its exterior. High ceilings with intricate designs gave the room a sense of grandeur.

Holographic displays provided information about the company's history, achievements, and ongoing projects. Employees moved with purpose and their professionalism evident in their demeanor.

Connor inwardly marveled at the place. In his future life, he'd never been able to see the inside of a Chronos Corp. headquarters at all. Not even a wink of it was out to the public.

Many employees passed by, wearing special name tags on. Scientists, scholars, engineers, and professionals from all walks of life could be seen milling about. Connor estimated there had to be at least 2,000 people he saw just in the lobby alone.

Thompson led Connor through different spaces and rooms of various kinds, explaining the purpose of each. They finally approached a building called the "Rep Center." It was a place for reps of Chronos Corp to report to, and it buzzed with activity. A large number of reps were present with the recruits and talents they had picked from various States across New America.

As Thompson and Connor approached the entrance, a voice called out, catching both their attention.

Thompson's expression darkened with barely contained anger. Connor noticed this and sensed that Thompson and whoever was calling him were not on good terms. Thompson ignored it and just urged Connor to keep following him.

"Keke! Tommy Boy, that isn't very nice. To ignore your better. How about we have a nice little talk with Gladys at HR about that one time?"

Curious, Connor turned to see who was causing the scene. A fat man with a smug expression stood with about five teens, all around Connor's age. Most of them had the look of snobby rich kids, while one timid, nerdy kid stood quietly in the back of the group.

Connor took note of him as he looked similar to a famous Player.

The fat man had a round, ruddy face with beady eyes that gleamed with arrogance. He wore an expensive suit that strained against his girth, his fingers adorned with flashy rings. The teens around him seemed to bask in his presence, their eyes flickering with a mix of entitlement and condescension as they stared at Connor's not-too flashy attire.

The fat man stepped forward, a sneer playing on his lips. "Thompson, it's been too long. I see you've brought a new recruit. Quite the catch, from what I hear. He's definitely an upgrade from the crappy recruits you've been bringing in lately."

Thompson barely contained his anger, his voice tight as he says, "Douglas, this isn't the time or place."

The fat man, Douglas, chuckled, a sound that grated on Connor's nerves. "Oh, come now. Just introducing myself to the new talent. What's your name, kid?"

Connor met Douglas's gaze without flinching. "Connor Lin."

Douglas's eyes narrowed slightly, assessing him. "Well, Connor, welcome to Chronos Corp. Let's hope you can handle the pressure."

The tension was palpable, but Connor refused to be intimidated. He knew he had to stay focused and prove himself.

Thompson intervened, his voice firm. "We have an appointment. Excuse us."

Douglas waved them off with a smirk. "Sure, sure. See you around, Tommy Boy."

As they walked away, Thompson muttered under his breath, "Ignore him. He's just trying to get under my skin."

They entered the Rep Center, and the bustling atmosphere immediately enveloped them.