Contract Signing

Connor and Thompson left behind a curious and conniving Douglas and headed into the Rep Center. Inside, the Rep Center was a marvel of modern architecture and advanced technology. The walls were sleek and glossy, adorned with holographic displays showcasing the latest achievements and projects of Chronos Corp.

The floors were a polished marble, reflecting the ambient lighting that seemed to glow from hidden sources, creating an ethereal atmosphere. Representatives moved about with purpose, each booth equipped with state-of-the-art technology for seamless processing and registration.

Thompson led Connor toward a door at the far end, away from the bustling activity of the other representatives registering their recruits. He presented a shimmering ID card to a scanner beside the door.

The scanner emitted a soft beep, and the doors slid open with a whisper. Thompson gestured for Connor to enter first.

They walked down a long, well-lit hallway, the walls lined with more holographic displays and minimalist decor. The air was filled with a faint hum of advanced machinery and the occasional soft click of holographic interfaces.

At the end of the hallway, they entered a room where a beautiful woman sat typing away at a holographic keyboard.

She gave off an air of elegance and professionalism, her attire a perfect blend of formality and style. Her long, dark hair was pulled back in a sophisticated updo, and her eyes, a striking shade of green, scanned her work with laser focus.

Upon hearing the door open, the woman looked up from her work and smiled warmly at Thompson.

"Gaffinger, what a pleasant surprise. Haven't seen you here in years. Almost like you were avoiding this area..." she said, her eyes narrowing playfully, her tone low and tantalizing.

Connor glanced at Thompson, intrigued by the name and noticing his reddening cheeks.

"You... you... Ms. Rubina, I am here to report to Director Arschup," Thompson stammered, pointing to Connor. "I have brought the recruit."

Following his finger, Rubina turned her attention to Connor, assessing him with a keen eye. After a moment, a warm smile spread across her face. "Oh, how lovely. I hear you're quite the talented young man. Do you have a girlfriend?"

Connor raised an eyebrow in confusion and suspicion. 'She's not one of them, is she?' Connor thought, questioning the seemingly elegant woman.

Rubina coyly laughed and said, "Oh, no, you naughty boy. I have a younger sister your age."

Connor then relaxed as a silent sigh escaped his lips, reveling in the fact he wasn't on the hot list of a cougar and predator. Some guys might say Connor was being overly cautious, but wrong is wrong, no matter who is doing it.

"No, I do not have a girlfriend," Connor bluntly says.

Still smiling, Rubina addressed Thompson again. "Alright, I'll go and inform Mr. Arschup that you're here. Take a seat, dorogoy." There was an extra emphasis on that last word as she got up and headed down a short hall to her right behind the desk.

She returned shortly and informed them that they could enter.

Connor followed Thompson into Director Arschup's office. The office was spacious, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a great view of some of the corporation further out.

The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and cutting-edge tech manuals, and the centerpiece of the room was a large, imposing desk made of dark wood. Behind it sat Director Arschup, a man in his early fifties with silver hair and sharp, piercing eyes.

He exuded an air of authority and intelligence, dressed in a tailored suit that spoke of his high status within Chronos Corp.

"Ah, Thompson, good to see you," Arschup greeted, rising from his seat. "And you must be Connor. Please, have a seat."

Connor and Thompson sat down as Arschup resumed his seat, pulling up a holographic display with Connor's information. "First of all, congratulations, Connor. Joining Chronos Corp is a significant step, and we're delighted to have you on board."

"Thank you, Mr. Arschup," Connor replied, his tone respectful but curious.

Arschup nodded. "Now, let's discuss the terms of your contract. As a special recruit, you will receive a monthly salary of 20KG, which will increase based on your performance and contributions."

Connor's eyes widened slightly, but he maintained his composure. "That's generous."

Compared to the other geniuses in the future, Connor is getting paid five times as much as they. Even if they're from a large guild, 20,000 is quite a lot of money per month. Then there are other geniuses that they would have to cater to as well.

Compared to the last VR game, Progenitor Online, Shattered Realms broke any and every rule of imagination one could have about a VR. Many Guilds and Powers made many times more gacha and other resources a day than any revenue gained from any other game they've played in the past ten years.

"It is," Arschup agreed. "You will also have access to our top-tier dietary solutions, which will aid in your physical and cognitive development. Additionally, you'll be able to use our state-of-the-art training facilities."

Thompson chimed in, "These facilities are the best in the world, Connor. They'll provide you with every advantage to hone your skills. Even personally tailored training regimens."

Already knowing this, Connor raises his eyebrows in mock interestedness.

Arschup continued, "You'll also receive a 50% discount on all Chronos Corp products, early access to important information on new products, and high-level security clearance… up to a certain point that is. This will allow you to move freely within our secured areas and participate in classified missions. Would you choose to stay."

Connor nodded, absorbing the information. "And my responsibilities?"

"You will be expected to complete tasks assigned by Chronos Corp," Arschup explained. "These tasks will vary but will generally align with your skills and abilities. Importantly, your personal affairs are your own. If you get into a dispute with another guild after creating your own, Chronos Corp will not intervene unless it directly affects our interests."

Connor appreciated the clarity. "I figured that. Chronos Corp is truly the only neutral power in the world."

Arschup leaned forward slightly. "That's right, Connor. We here at the Corp. try to maintain peace. There is one additional clause that Thompson mentioned you wanted to include. Something about obtaining a high-ranking position within the company?"

Connor nodded. "Yes. If I make a significant contribution to Chronos Corp, I would like the opportunity to be promoted to a higher position, as determined by the Vice President."

Arschup considered this for a moment, then nodded. "That's reasonable. We value ambition and talent. If you prove your worth, you'll have the chance to advance."

"There's one more thing," Connor added. "I'd like to to also get paid in Dietary Solution only. The gacha can be exchanged for that instead..."

Arschup's eyebrows raised slightly, intrigued. He exchanged a glance with Thompson, then nodded. "Very well. We'll include that clause. However, I need to get this cleared with the Branch President. If you'll excuse me, I'll be back shortly. Get a little comfortable"

With that, Arschup stood and exited the room. He walked out of the Rep Center, into another building, and down many hallways, which took him about 15 minutes to traverse.

As he progressed along, the workers became fewer and fewer, and security personnel appeared at random intervals. Every door he went through required a DNA and badge scan.

After five more minutes of walking, he came upon an elevator. He waited for the doors to open and inserted his access card. He presses the number 20. The doors close and elevator begins rapidly ascending. Within thirty seconds, Arschup arrives on floor twenty and steps out.

A long hallway is what he is met with. At the end, a luxurious door made of walnut wood stood out amidst the white walls, as if he was in a weird sci-fi dream. Arschup begins walking, the bottoms of his tailored dress shoes sounding every time he steps on the marble floors. He takes a deep breath once at the door and knocks. A feminine voice answered back.

Arschup entered the room, which was adorned with elegant furniture and advanced and very minimal in the technology department. Behind a large mahogany desk sat Branch President Murim, a woman who appeared to be in her twenties.

Her long, dark hair was tied back, and her piercing blue eyes commanded respect. She gave off an aura of power and authority that made Arschup break out in a cold sweat. He could barely muster out a greeting.

"Representative Director Arschup," Murim greeted, her voice smooth and commanding. "What brings you here?"

Arschup approached the desk, sending her the contract. "Good afternoon, Branch President Murim. I need your approval on this recruit's contract. His name is Connor, and he shows immense potential. Usually, I won't bother you for something like this but the new recruit is somewhat… special. There are some additional clauses that require your signature."

Murim took the contract, her eyes scanning the details as though she was skimming through them but her brain was able to process everything on the pages without actually having to read any of it. "What do you think of him?"

Arschup hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "He's exceptionally talented and mature for his age. Very, very mature. As we speak," Arschup then pulls asks her to pull up a live video feed of his office.

"As we speak, Connor's behavior is quite unique. I thought the way he sat was quite proper… too proper. As I looked more, I noticed his posture was positioned in a way that he could quickly respond to a threat. Connor seems to be combat-ready at all times. Just this alone and the results from his school's testing are more than enough reason for us to accept his clause. He has the potential to be a significant asset to Chronos Corp."

Murim nodded slowly, contemplating. After a few moments, she signed the contract and handed it back to Arschup. "Very long winded explanation but I get the gist. So, make sure he's supplied. He's got more talent than 'that' other one."

Murim then taps a button on her desk. "Have a T-1 Link delivered to Connor Lin's address." She then turns to address Arschup. "We're done here."

Nodding his head in relief and a bit of joy, Arschup thanked her. He left the room, feeling the sweat trickling down his back.

When he left after a certain distance, Murim says aloud to herself, eyes distant, "You've been hyped up this much... don't disappoint me, boy,"


Back in the Rep Center, Connor and Thompson waited patiently. When Arschup returned, he quickly placed the his T-3 Link to the printer, printed one, and hands the copy to Connor.

Connor took the contract, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on him. "Thank you, Director Arschup. I won't let you down."

With the contract signed and the formalities completed, Connor was now officially part of Chronos Corp.

'Now that this is done, the other event with the Guilds should be gearing up to happen pretty soon. Until then…

Time to grind.'