Things You Can't Outrun

Molly: whaat?

Max: I'm pretty sure that you heard me right, I said I am the dark speedster and we are gonna die.

Molly: why are we gonna die?

Shadow elementor: because your son here saved a bunch of people who were supposed to die now both of you will die in place of them.

Molly: max, you said that you were the dark speedster so get me out of here now...



Ferus: max, what are you doing here, you are supposed to be asleep.

Max: hmmmmmm,we have a situation.

Ferus: What situation could be worse than you being here and your mom finds out that you are the dark speedster?

Max: that's the situation, she found out and she's here.

Molly: yes, I am here, I want an explanation from you ferus but first, who was that monster in my house?

Ferus: What monster?

Max: the shadow elementor, he was at our house and wanted to murder us but luckily for her I sped her out of there.

Ferus: Cisco, I want a reading on max house and show me where this Maniac is.

Ferus: Felicity,get the solider's ready for anything, we move out once we know where this elementor is.

Ferus: and max, search for this elementor with your speed.

Cisco, Felicity, Max: Yes sir.

Ferus: And as for molly, guard's lock her up, we don't want her to get hurt.

Guard's: Yes sir.

(Two guard's came and took molly to the force field cell and Max,Cisco and Felicity did as told)


Max: I've checked everywhere in the city but it's like he just vanished off the face of the earth.

Cisco: yeah, max right it's like he just vanished, our satellite can't pick up any reading on him, what should we do sir?

Ferus: we'll wait, but until we find that elementor max and his mom won't leave N-tek.

All: Yes sir.

Ferus: put N-tek on lockdown, no one comes in and no one goes out.

(Planet Namek, Makonun hideout)

Makonun: So you have found out who is the next Speedster?

Shadow Assassin: yes, lord Makonun, what should I do with them, should I killed them or should I bring them captive?

Makonun: No, do not kill them, I want them alive.

(Earth, central city)

Max: it looks like we're going to stay here for the rest of the month.

Molly: Don't worry max, we are gonna to go home soon. okay.

Max: okay.

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Ferus: Max, one of our drone just spotted a shadow with pointy ears.

Max: it's him.

Woooose woooose woooose

Ferus: he's gone.

Molly: To where?

Ferus: To catch the elementor.

Molly: Why didn't you tell me that he was the dark Speedster at first?

Ferus: I was planning on telling you tomorrow because I just found out yesterday and now you found out yourself.

Molly: Maybe I was meant to find out.

Ferus: yeah, I gotta go, I will be back in a few sec.

Max: Cisco, I'm here what should I do?

Cisco: give him a supersonic punch and he is down.

Max: okay, let's give it a shot.

Woooose woooose woooose

Max: shit, I can't punch him, it's like he is invincible and nothing can touch him.

Cisco: Well, max get out of there now, I just remembered that a shadow elementor can harm you but you can't harm him.

Max: well figure out a way or something.

Cisco: I don't know if this Will work but it's worth giving it a shot, run through him for ten times then punch him.

Max: why should I do that?

Cisco: if you run through him ten times his atom will have to rebond which means that he can't be invincible for too long...

Max: ..and I will take that chance to punch him.

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Max: I did it.

Cisco: yes, max you did it.

Ferus: now, come home, let's celebrate.

Max: so what do I do with this elementor?

Ferus: bring him here, let's ask him some questions.

Max: okay.


Max: I just toss the elementor in the pipeline.

Cisco: now we'll celebrate.

Ferus: No, we won't we'll question that elementor until we have answer's, max get him here.


Max: here the elementor.

Ferus: who sent you?

Shadow Assassin: why should I tell you?

Ferus: I'll ask you again, who sent you?

Shadow Assassin: fine I'll tell you the bitter truth.

Ferus: what do you mean by the "bitter truth"

Shadow Assassin: I meant that the one who sent me is someone that you are familiar with.

Ferus: who is that?

Shadow Assassin: The one who sent me is the leader of the shadow ultralinks.

Ferus: I thought we killed him?

Shadow Assass

in: well, he doesn't die that easily.

Max: wait a sec, who are you guys talking about?

Shadow Assassin: Makonun....


Ramon: sir, we have a new mission from lord Makonun.

Dread: what is it?

Ramon: Kill the son of the soul lord..(Maxwell Miles)

Dread: With pleasure.....

To be continued..........