Going Rogue

Max: whaat?, You mean the guy that caused my dad to die?

Ferus: yes.

Max: and he is still alive somewhere?

Ferus: yes.

Max: what were you guys doing when he escaped away from earth?

Cisco: Max, we didn't let him go purposely, he escaped away after getting seriously injured by your father.

Max: so you guys couldn't chase him?

Felicity: Our spaceship couldn't get to outer-space, so we just let him go.

Cisco: your father was seriously injured at the moment so he couldn't chase him into outer space, but we managed to chase him out of earth and upgraded earth defense system.

Max: So which means that they have no way of getting inside earth?

Ferus: yes

Max: which means someone helped him get inside?

Ferus: yes.

Max: who?

Shadow Assassin: Dread Miles.

Max: Well if he is really the one who helped you, then we have to pay him a visit.

Ferus: Max, meet me at N-tek tomorrow around 8 o'clock in the morning.

Max: Yes sir.

Ferus: Dismissed.

Max: but, uncle ferus, now that we have captured the shadow elementor, can't you realese my mom?

Ferus: No, I can't, she is an employee at Thi.

Max: So.....

Ferus: So, she may tell Dread about the shadow Assassin and all we've just discussed.

Cisco: Even worse, she may be a spy.

Max: No, she won't tell Dread anything, and she is not a spy.

Ferus: Better safe than sorry.

Max: Fine, you might as well meet Dread yourself.


(Central City, Thi)

Dread: I got a call from Ferus....

Ramon: What did he say to you?

Dread: He said that we need to talk, but me I don't think that he just want to talk.

Ramon: So what should I do?

Dread: Contact (Him) and tell him to be prepared for anything.

Ramon: Yes sir.


Ferus: is max not here yet?

Cisco: No sir, and it looks like there is no sign of turbo energy in the city.

Ferus: so where on earth is he?

Cisco: Nowhere?

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Felicity: sir, the captain of the precinct said that we should deliver the guns and others now.

Ferus: Cisco, deal with the transfer.

Cisco: yes sir.

(4 hours later)

Ferus: still no sign of max?

Cisco: No sir.

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Felicity: sir, the vehicle that was sent out to meet the precinct department was robbed.

Ferus: whaat?, What do you mean robbed?

Felicity: the vehicle was robbed on the border of N-tek and only one thing was stolen.

Ferus: what?

Felicity: The Turbo gun.

Cisco: what?, that gun can kill speedster.

Ferus: whoever did this is planning to kill a speedster.

Cisco: Max.

Ferus: get the car ready, I'm going to meet Dread.

(Trans-human industries)

Dread: welcome, old friend.

Ferus: yeah, old friend indeed, well I won't waste time so I will just cut to the chase.

Dread: please do.

Ferus: I have Intel that you helped the shadow elementor to get into earth.

Dread: well, word's do travel quickly.

Ferus: well did you do it or not?

Dread: yes and no.

Ferus: what do you mean by that?

Dread: Yes I helped the shadow elementor, but I didn't help him get into earth.

Ferus: then who did?

Dread: Makonun.

Ferus: I knew that it was a waste of time talking to you.

Dread: No, it wasn't, By now the criminal you are transporting should be dead.

Ferus: What?

Dread: Till we meet again.


Felicity: sir, while I was transporting the elementor, we were ambushed and he died.

Ferus: it wasn't your fault, this was all a plan by Dread and we fell into his trap.

Cisco: Sir, I found max, but he's is in grave danger.

Ferus: where is he?

Cisco: he is with the Boogeyman.

Ferus: what?, I taught we killed him 18 years ago.

Cisco: well, he managed to survive and now he went after the son of the one who tried to kill him 18 years ago.

Ferus: Can you track his location?

Cisco: yes and I did.

Ferus: where is he?

Cisco: at school.

Central City high school)

Teacher one: now let me introduce you to the new student, his name is Maxwell Miles and you can call him max for short, he just recently moved to central city.

Carlos: sir, why don't he sit with me?

Teacher one: okay, max meet your new seat-mate Carlos romaro, he came from Greenville to school here because of his mom, and Carlos meet Maxwell Miles the boy whom I just spoke about.

Max: Nice to meet you Carlos.

Carlos: Same, max, I would like to ask you a question?

Max: ask away.

Carlos: why are you trying to hide your identity as the dark speedster?

Max: who are you?

Carlos: Let me introduce myself once again, nice to meet you max I am Ramon.


Ferus: how long will it take for me to get in touch with max?

Cisco: not long, just that the two dot indicating max and Ramon merged.

Ferus: They are together.

Cisco: and the dot also indicating the turbo gun is also at the place where max and Ramon is.

Ferus: Ramon is going to kill max. Cisco get me in contact with him now.

(Central City high)

Max: it's you, you are the Boogeyman, I know you stole that gun and I also know that my father killed you 18 years ago, so I have just one question.

Carlos: ask away.

Max: who are you?

Carlos: well you are not too foolish, I am the Boogeyman.

(Planet Namek)

Makonun: Have you did what I told you to do?

North elve: Yes, lord Makonun, I have killed the shadow elementor as planned but Dread miles is searching for him so that he can absorb his soul rings. What should I do?

Makonun: Let him do as he wish so, because soon their world will but a wasteland.

North elve: but with the son of the soul lord there, it might be hard to invade their earth.

Makonun: but I thought that the Boogeyman will take care of him?

North elve: no sir, the Boogeyman has no plans of killing him now, all he plans to do is to threaten him and kill him later.

Makonun: well, congratulations, you have just been promoted, go to earth and kill Maxwell Miles.

North elve: success is assured.

To Be Continued.................