
(Central City high school)

Boogeyman: well, max it looks like we are going to have to talk another day. Till we meet again...

Woooose woooose woooose

Max: shit,.. he can run as fast as me, I have to meet ferus.....

Woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose


Ferus: where were you?

Max: I saw him.

Ferus: who?

Max: The Boogeyman, he could run as faster than me, his lightning was red like my father's.

Ferus: max, it's time you know the truth.

Max: what truth?

Ferus: Dread Miles is your uncle.

Max: what the fuck?

Ferus: your father, I and also Dread Miles we are all siblings but one day Dread called your father to meet him at Thi alone there he drugged your father and took his blood to form a weapon.

Max: The Boogeyman.

Ferus: yes, the Boogeyman... he was formed from your father's blood so of cause at first your father could control him, but Dread injected him with a substance which made him had control over him, and used him to present to Makonun, when Makonun saw the Boogeyman he helped him achieved his form( meaning of speed) he became faster than your father, but when he was vulnerable your father killed him and somehow he is still alive.

Max: so how do I kill this guy?

Ferus: I don't know, but while Cisco is busy finding out how to kill him, you have a new assignment.

Max: what?

Ferus: A new ultralink is in town.

Max: A good one or a bad one?

Ferus: that we don't know for sure, but we need you to capture it before it fall into the hands of thi.

Cisco: I have Intel that there is a buyer from Brazil and he will be hosting the party tonight.

Max: what party?

Ferus: the party that our ultralink is attending.

Max: is the ultralink a person?

Ferus: no, but it can be anything it touches, including you.

Max: does the guy hosting the party have a name?

Cisco: Davi Barbosa, founder of the Davi group, former N-tek general, and is now an arm's dealer who is planning to buy the a 8.0 exclusive modified AK 47.

Max: which means we have to stop him.

Ferus: no, that's not our plan, our plan is to make sure that we capture the ultralink.

Max: okay then, So we are just going to let this guy get away.

Cisco: we have to.

Max: Catching criminal like that Is the job of Hargo.

Max: what's Hargo?

Ferus: it's an international organization who deals with catching of criminal's like these.

Max: what if they do nothing?


Ferus: Enough with the questions boy.

Max: fine.

Woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose

Max: where is this party being held?

Cisco: At copper canyon city.

Max: Thanks, if no one is going to stop this guy, I will.

Woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose

(Copper canyon city)

(Goes into the hall and is asked for an identification number)

Guard one: show us your identification number.


Max: Cisco, aren't you done?

(Cisco on coms)

Cisco: I'm done, the number is 238838300.

Max: my identification number is 238838300.

Guard Two: confirmed, you may go in.

Max: Cisco, I'm in....

Max: what do you see?

Max: lots of things.

Cisco: things like what?

Max: This isn't a party....

Cisco: what are you talking about?

Max: it's a place for all of those worshiping Makonun.

Ultralink: hi there speedster I'm an ultralink ani know you are here for me so let's go.

Max: why?

Ultralink: because if we stay here, we'll die, so we only have two options, 1 escape the two merge.

Max: what?

Ultralink: we have to merge because a speedster dampener is in here so you won't be able to use your powers, but if you merge with me, we might be able to destroy this dampener and get out of here.

Cisco: No max, don't.....

Max: why?

Cisco: if you merge with him, you will never be able to separate..

Max: but we have no choice?

Cisco: fine, merge and come to N-tek, I will try and separate you.

Max: alright, let's merge...

Woooose woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose woooose

Woooose woooose woooose woooose

Max: shit, I feel stronger and faster.

Ultralink: then let's get out of here.

Boogeyman: Not so fast, speedster.....

Max: Hmmm, ultralink do you have a name?

Ultralink: you can call me Rogers.

Max: well then Rogers, do you happen to have a way of escaping this guy?

Rogers: well, I have no way except you have to run max

Boogeyman: you think you are fast enough to outrun me?

Max: let's find out.

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Boogeyman: Hmmm, fool....

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Max: Cisco, the Boogeyman is on my tail I can't lose him.

Cisco: what do you see?

Max: I see Central City high and Hargo.

Cisco: well, I want you to run into Hargo building or rather through one.

Max: you want me to run through a building?

Cisco: yes.

Max: how?

Cisco: As you can run fast so can your molecules also move fast, if you vibrate pretty fast, you molecules will be in a state that will allow you to run through a wall, for short it's called phasing.

Max: okay, let's do this.

Cisco: Feel the wind and run max, run......

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose


Max: I did it.

Cisco: I know you could do it.

Max: I lost him and I'm coming back to N-tek.

Woooose woooose

Woooose woooose

Max: I'm here.

Cisco: phew, you made it out alive....,too bad that you didn't catch anyone.

Max: who said I didn't catch anyone?... I caught Davi Barbosa and while I was phasing through Hargo, I dropped him in a cell.

Cisco: like I said, you are really the fastest Man Alive.

(Planet Namek)

Makonun: how is our plan coming along?

North elve: The Boogeyman is affecting the way of our plan, should I take him down or........

Makonun: Leave him be, at least now we have someone who can do th

e job for us.......

To be continued....................