[Chapter 3] Discussion Part 2

[South Korea, Seo Residency] 

[Morning 11:23 am]

[~ 6 Days Before the Wolfie's Assault ~] 


Chelsea: "Holy sh*t! That took forever." 

She laughed before catching a towel toss by her twin to wipe the sweat she gathered from the past three and a half hours. 

Yulius: "Ume."

She hums in agreement as she warmed up the food, she made prior.

Chelsea: "Thank you! Itadakimasu~ (Let us eat~)" 

The hungry Seo thanked her sister who put the now hot food in front of her as she digs in. 

Yulius: "Hm, your welcome." 

Chelsea: "You're not going to eat?" 

She questioned with food in her mouth, making her look like a chubby adorable chibi chipmunk. 

Yulius: "I'm good. I already ate earlier." 

Chelsea: "Hmmh, suit yourself... MhhHhh!" 

She managed to moan out loud as she continued stuffing her face with God-made food from heaven itself, with its creator being her goddess of a sister who is also her twin which in her eyes is also a blessing from God itself. The goddess chuckles at her sister's messy eating habits before waiting for her to be just about done with her meal so she could continue on their discussion about the Great Mythical Beast Clans. 

Yulius: "While you finish up, let's move on to the next Mythical Beast which is the griffon clan, and they specialize in ariel attacks while their awakened ability is wind." 

Chelsea: "So, aerokinesis?"

Yulius: "Ume, but their air-bending is quite lacking compared to those of Shinhwa." 

Chelsea: "Hm, if that's all they can do then I don't really see any use in recruiting them." 

Yulius: "Well, they can half transform into a griffon, though it looks more humanoid dragon with the wings and claws." 

Chelsea: "How long can they maintain that form?" 

Yulius: "1-2 hours, give or take." 

Chelsea: "Hm, I guess they have potential." 

Yulius: "So are we recruiting them or nah?" 

Chelsea: "Let's put them on the maybe lists. What's next." 

She spoke cheerily as she used telekinesis to move her dirty dish to the sink and wash it before setting it aside to dry. 

Yulius: "Next is the hydra clan and they specialize in poison and acids." 

Chelsea: "Figures, but 4th place in rankings, really?" 

Yulius: "Well, in 3rd it's phoenix and they can basically heal anything with their fire and are kind of immune to lots of poisons so there's that. Basilisk and dragons are very enhanced individuals with their senses dialed up a notch making them somewhat resistant to many poisons and they have impenetrable scales that form along their skin which prevents acids from taking effect." 

Chelsea: "Hm, if it's like that then what makes dragons superior to basilisk if their abilities are almost the same. I mean, I can see how the phoenix clan managed to stay 3rd place, assuming they are reserved smart awakeners who are able to fend off attacks easily and in case they sustain injures, they are able to heal with their flames that can in turn, be used for offense." 

Yulius: "Hm, the basilisk clan values quantity over quality and the dragons value the opposite." 

Chelsea: "Is that so. What are the current numbers of those affiliated with the basilisk versus the dragons?" 

Yulius: "Basilisk are at 125 and the dragons have 95." 

Chelsea: "So a full 30 men difference, huh. And the rest of the other clans, what are their numbers?" 

Yulius: "Foxes: 50, wolves: 58, white tigers: 45, griffons: 64, hydras: 77, and phoenixes are at 86."

Chelsea: "Hm, and if a full all-out war was to occur between all the clans, how many causalities do you think all will suffer from?" 

Yulius: "Hm, well foxes and wolves will obviously destroy one another, and the tigers will swoop in for the final kills once both sides tired each other out while the griffons will do the same which will lead to a massacre, leaving both sides with many losses. As for hydras and phoenixes, their attacks cancel out one another so I see very few causalities occurring on their sides unless they decide to involve themselves with the dragon and basilisk conflict, but that's highly unlikely since the risk outweighs the benefits. All that is left are the dragons and basilisk and their outcome is unpredictable." 

Chelsea: "Hm, is it because both clans have enhanced senses and strength which cancels each other out leaving the only difference in numbers, but dragons have better vision all together so it's 50/50." 

Yulius: "Yes, but an all-out war is unlikely to happen because the surviving clans will be left vulnerable to any attacks from other groups." 

Chelsea: "Yet that doesn't stop the fox clan from waging war against the wolves." 

Yulius: "Well the foxes are arrogant little sh*ts first of all." 

Chelsea: "Point taken." 

Yulius: "Second, the foxes are technically going against the agreement." 

Chelsea: "Agreement?"

Yulius: "Yeah, it's the reason why the Great Mythical Beast Clans were able to last this long. It's because about 15 years ago, each leader came to an agreement not to have a full-blown war with one another to keep the balance." 

Chelsea: "Then how does one move up and down the rankings?" 

Yulius: "They host a dumb gathering where their 'strongest' duel each other in a tournament." 

She gestures with her index and middle fingers up and down like bunny ears to express her disapproval of their definition of the strongest. Chelsea chuckles in accordance as she asked what events take place in those tournaments, for the elder Seo to name off popular online battle modes games they played back in their past lives, like deathmatches, battle royal, capture the flag, paint ball, and more. 

Chelsea: "Wow, is this really the world of awakeners?" 

Yulius: "Not really since a lot of deaths transpire during those games." 

Chelsea: "How many?" 

Yulius: "The average is 27% give or take." 

Chelsea: "So, about 30% of their awakeners die off every..." 

Yulius: "Three years." 

She confirmed. 

Chelsea: "When is the next one?" 

Yulius: "In about one and a half year."

Chelsea: "So that's plenty of time to get the tigers, wolves, foxes, hydras, and if we're lucky phoenixes on our side." 

Yulius: "Ume, I guess, so we're not recruiting the griffons." 

Chelsea: "For now, no, let's prioritize those five clans first." 

The previous Genesis hums in agreement as both reincarnates decide to recruit the white tiger clan first since they have something valuable that those cats need in order to ensure their survival. The question is how they will be able to convince such a proud, arrogant specie. The answer is simple.

Yulius: "Chelsea." 

She whispers quietly but loud enough for the other party to hear. 

Chelsea: "Hm?"

She hums, unsure of what's going down but already on full board with whatever plan her twin comes up with. How wrong she was to put so much faith in someone like her. 

Yulius: "You're going to be their b*tch." 

Chelsea: "HUH!? I ain't nobody's b*tch!" 

She exclaimed loudly. 

Yulius: "You're my b*tch though."

She pointed the obvious. 

Chelsea: "Nah, I'm you're whore." 

She snarked back casually, catching the other Seo off guard as she pauses for a few moments to gather her thoughts. 

Yulius: "... W- what, difference does that make...?" 

Chelsea: "A whole lot, mate. If I'm going to get down on my knees and bow down to someone, it has to be you and nobody else." 

Yulius: "Do you have like a weird master and servant kink or something? Cause that sounds oddly specific to be just your everyday sass." 

Chelsea: "B*tch please, I may be petty as f*ck, but I am anything but sassy." 

Yulius: "Same thing and are you going to answer my question?" 

Chelsea: "Would my no, suffice as my answer?" 

She grins mischievously making it hard to tell whether she's joking or not, or in fact lying at all. 

Yulius: "Not really, I'll just add that to the many unsolved mysterious of what the hell is going on in serial murderer's head." 

Chelsea: "Hey! I'm not a sociopath nor am I a serial killer!" 

Yulius: "But you are a psychotic manic." 

Chelsea: "Fair enough." 

Yulius: "Tch, not even denying it." 

Chelsea: "Relax darling, everyone likes the bad boys or in my case, the bad girl." 

Yulius: "You should get a bat and smack someone in the head with it while saying that exact same line, then you'll definitely be a Kol Mikaelson 2.0. What a dream come true for you?" 

She joked sarcastically. 

Chelsea: "That's not a bad idea! Though I prefer being the ripper. It seems more fun in all honesty."

Yulius: "Great! Just great! A psychotic manic with sadistic tendencies is my twin sister. What has my life come to?"

She questions hysterically as if her last strand of sanity just left her soul. Fortunately, her twin managed to grab it in time before it floated away and forcefully push it back into her sister's head with the back of her hand. 


Yulius: "Ow?! WHAT THE F*CK CHELSEA?!"

She yelled, holding the back of her head in pain, where the bruise popped opened.

Chelsea: "Just making sure you're still in there, with me, and sane, Tsuna." 

She sweetly teased and faked concerningly. Yulius narrowed her eyes as she spotted a pencil nearby. She speedily grabbed it, enhanced it with domain amplification before chucking it right into Chelsea's shoulder. Chelsea caught off guard didn't see it coming, but even as she did, she activated her limitless technique, expecting for the regular pencil to stop mere inches right before her. That failed, not unexpectedly though as her eyes widen when she saw the slight enchantment to the pencil right before it entered her shoulder. 



Yulius: "Pay backs a b*tch, huh!" 

Chelsea: "You stabbed me!" 

Yulius: "Not ahh, at most I lightly poked you with an object that happen to be sharp!" 


Yulius: "Exactly?! Same f*cking thing b*tch!" 

Chelsea: "F*CK YOU! YULIUS!"

Yulius: "No, f*ck you Chelsea!" 

Chelsea: "I ALREADY DID! B*TCH!" 

Yulius: "First off, gross dumba** I didn't need to know that. Second off, I hope you f*cking bleed to death!" 


Yulius: "We're 6, Chelsea?" 

Chelsea: "AND?! You're point is?!" 

Disregarding her sister's point, not knowing the misunderstanding that is soon to come.

Yulius: "F*ck, I'm concerned." 

Chelsea: "More concerned that I'm f*cking than at the fact that I'm bleeding to death." 

Yulius: "Yeah?! I'm more concerned that my twin sister is f*cking at the rip age of 6 than at the fact that she could heal herself from a tiny pencil wound." 


Yulius: "You b*tch?! And once again, TMI?!" 

Chelsea: "I'm not f*cking at the age of 6?" 

She said, after calming down a bit. Yeah, just a tincy bit.

Yulius: "Yes you did." 

Chelsea: "No?! I said I was getting some." 

Yulius: "Yeah?! And we're 6?!" 

Chelsea: "I was talking about our previous life, Yulius." 

Yulius: "Huh?" 

Chelsea: "Yulius?! Who in their right mind would f*ck a 6-year-old?!" 

Yulius: "A pedophile." 

She answered in a matter of fact. 

Chelsea: "That's beside the point! Yulius, I wouldn't f*ck someone while I am in the body of a 6-year-old?

Yulius: "Then why did you answer, 'AND?! You're point is?!' when I said, 'We're 6, Chelsea?'..." 

Chelsea: "I said that?!" 

Yulius: "I wouldn't be repeating word for word if you didn't?!" 

Chelsea: "Ah, sh*t! I was talking about our previous life when I did those one-night stands." 

Yulius: "So you're not f*cking anyone currently?!" 

Chelsea: "F*ck no, Yulius!" 

Yulius: "I see..." 

She spoke softly, leaving an awkward intense atmosphere between the two Seo. 

Chelsea: "Now... Where were we?" 

Yulius: "Um, the part where you said you're getting some and the fact you're still bleeding to death." 


Yulius: "F*ck off, mate?! Also, who said I was a still a virgin in my 1st life?!" 

Chelsea: "Huh? You weren't?!" 

Her eyebrows rose new heights at her twin's response. 

Yulius: "No. Chelsea, did you really think during those 20 years of my life that I wouldn't have had bed someone at some point?!" 

Chelsea: "Yeah, I did because you always carried that suffocating noble aura air type sh*t around wherever you go which made it hard for many to approach you, so I took you for the type of wanting to stay pure before marriage." 

Yulius: "Pure?" 

Chelsea: "Y'know, the type of gal that wants to have her virginity taken by her husband." 

Yulius: "I'm gay, Chelsea." 

She replies deadpan. 

Chelsea: "Oh... Since when?!" 

Yulius: "The f*ck do you mean since when?!" 

Chelsea: "I mean, how- when did you know exactly that you were gay?!" 

Yulius: "Since I found out that I had a tiny crush on Elise for a month." 

Chelsea: "You liked my ex-girlfriend's older sister?!" 

She frowns. 

Yulius: "Wait?! You were dating Eva?!" 

She exclaimed, surprised by the turns of events. 

Chelsea: "I- I was... You didn't know?" 

Yulius: "No?" 

She replied, getting a nervous laugh from both sides. 

Chelsea: "Uh... Haha, awkward..." 

Yulius: "Agreed." 

Chelsea: "Well, the more you know." 

Yulius: "Wait, you're telling me that you didn't know my sexuality this entire time." 

Chelsea: "Not the entire time as I know now..." 

Yulius: "I'm talking about before this conversation even happened." 

Chelsea: "Well..." 

Yulius: "Chelseaaa, so you're telling me that if this conversation never happened, you wouldn't have known that I was gay." 

Chelsea: "No comment..." 

Yulius: "Holy crap, welp, I'm glad I lightly poked you with that pencil now." 

Chelsea: "Stabbed!" 

Yulius: "Same thing." 

Chelsea: "Hmpt." 

She pouts at the unfair and good point she made about this conversation as it is true that if the elder Seo didn't retaliate and lightly poked- stabbed her with that pencil, she still wouldn't have known her best friend's sexuality till this day. 

Chelsea: "Wait, so wait. You're into older women?" 

Yulius: "I don't know, I guess. 

Chelsea: "So did you f*ck her?!" 

Yulius: "What?! No, I said I had a crush on her and that's all!" 

Chelsea: "Then who did you sleep with?!" 

Yulius: "Valerie, why?" 

Chelsea: "Was it good?" 

Yulius: "I'm not answering that." 

Chelsea: "Why not?!" 

She whines pitiful as she took out the pencil still in her bleeding shoulder, wincing slightly at the pain before healing it with RCT.

Yulius: "I'm not going to talk about my sex life with you, period." 

Chelsea: "It's the least you could do for stabbing me with this pencil." 

She held the bloody red pencil in front of her. 

Yulius: "As retaliations for hitting me in the back of my head." 

Chelsea: "You didn't have to stab me with a pencil though." 

Yulius: "Do recall that if this pencil incident never occurred, you wouldn't have known I was into women."

Chelsea: "You're not going to let me hear the last of that are you?" 

Yulius: "Nope." 

She popped the p. 
