[Chapter 4] Behave Children

[South Korea, White Tiger's Headquarters] 

[Night 8:45 pm] 

[~5 Days Before the Wolfie's Assault~] 


Inside the White Tiger's Headquarters, you could see awakeners gathered, sitting at a round table with a tense atmosphere swirling around as they discuss their current situation.

"So, you're saying we loss 5 men already?!" One of the elders spoke in a rather displease tone.

"Yes, and soon, 3 more will follow." The one with a pink cat mask on replied calmly, a southern hint of sadness lace in their tone. 

"This is ridiculous! We're already the lowest in numbers when it comes to rankings, we cannot afford to lose any more men!" 

"Don't you think we don't know that, Victor?!" The guy with a red cat mask expresses his frustration. 

"If you know, then why aren't any of you doing something about it, huh?" Victor, with a cyan cat mask exclaimed. 

"I don't see you doing anything either?" Another exclaimed, with a green cat mask.

"Because what I want to do is unconventional in your guy's opinion." 

"Experimenting on children in order to find a cure for us is immoral." The blue cat mask pointed out. 

"But it's the only solution!" He shouted in frustration, receiving looks of distain from the others. 

"How do you know that when you aren't trying to find any other solutions." The silent purple cat mask spoke up after a while.

"We don't have time for that! Our men are dying and if we don't act quickly, so will the rest and we will follow too. Aren't you scared of death or even our clan dying in dishonor?" 

"Maybe we're just not looking hard enough." One expresses, their limited patience running thin as the cyan lunatic keeps pushing everyone's buttons. 

"Or maybe you're just making excuses after Selena died-" 

"HOW DARE YOU BRING UP HER NAME VICTOR?!" The red mask instantly yelled infuriatedly, not being able to contain his anger any longer for the scumbag sitting shamelessly in front of him as he continues to spout nonsense. 

"Why? Is your sister's death that much of a sore topic for you?!" Victor taunted. 

"IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU SHE'S DEAD!" He exclaimed madly. 

"All I hear is excuses-" He continued to push red's button as both cat awakeners releases their aura making the atmosphere smelling more deadly than it already was. That was until their patriarch having enough of their childish insults, announced his presence in a calmly yet powerful manner. 

"ENOUGH!" The male awakener with a black cat mask stood up, standing firm as he releases a bit of pressure, oppressing them by the sheer amount of constraint, quickly silencing everyone. 

"While you all are busy squabbling over small matters, we are straying further and further away from solving our main problem." 

"Then what do you purpose we do master?" One asked quietly. 

"It's not what, it's who we could get help from?" He responded calmly unlike the others, receiving disapproval responses in return. 



"NO WAY!" 




They all shouted and looked at their master like he was out of his mind, full of disrespectful glare at that, but could you slightly blame them. After all, in order to receive help from outsiders one must confess their current situations which will be detrimental if the said outsider is a spy or upholds ill intent towards them. 

"SILENCE!" This shut everyone up again as he began explaining the situation. 

"We don't need to tell them anything as they already know." 

"WHAT?! HOW-" 

"I don't know how-" 

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!" Victor rudely interrupted. 

"It's exactly as I said. They know about our curse and propose a cure for us." Cyan sneers. 

"And what do they want in return?" Purple asked politely, the only intelligent one in the group apparently to question the unknown culprit's intentions while being well manner as any subordinate should be when referring to their master. 

"What does it matter what they want, they are a threat we must eliminate!" Cyan yelled. 

"Enough Victor! We have a solution to our curse, why must you argue against it? The big boss questioned suspiciously. 

"Because outsiders are unreliable and not to be trusted! It's as simple as that!" Boss sighed, as he kind of expected Cyan's reaction. Ignoring Victor's response, he went on to answer purples. 

"In order to receive the cure, they want our loyalty in return." He simply replied honestly, straight to the point as he rubbed his forehead that began to ache due the awakeners around him once again exploding and complaining about the entire situation. 

"Argon, you can't possibly be naive to believe outsiders!" The lime green cat said, not caring how insolent he looked when referring to his boss. 

"Exactly as Howard said master, we can't trust outsiders." Another spoke but this time with a bit of a respectful tone when he talks to his master. Still impolite compared to others expect for purple, nonetheless fairly discourteous. 

'And they call themselves elders...' The master thought obnoxiously as he laughed at the scene catching everyone off guard as they look at him in disbelief. 

"Why are you laughing sire?!" 

"This is not a laughing matter?!" 

"Are you well?!" 

He scoffs. "I'm laughing at your behaviors." 

"Wut?!" Some exclaimed in confusion, not getting his point. 

"You call yourselves elders yet you're behaving like a bunch of wild animals." He explained. 

"Do you understand that you all will become the laughingstock out of all the Great Mythical Beast Clans if you continue to behave like this. It's very disappointing that we act like a mere child when we're ranked 6th, yet still need someone to hold our hands. Heck, not even those pesky dogs act like savages and they have anger issues the size of the sun." 

He insulted them for a good 3 minutes while lecturing them on the consequences of their irresponsibly. This got everyone thinking, except purple and cyan since purple is the smart one who saw this coming while cyan is so full of himself with his head up so far his a**, literally. 

"Now, I understand your concerns but they themselves said that only 2 representatives of their group will be coming over to negotiate and make demands. This was in order to assure our paranoia as many of us including I, believe that there is a possibility of an incoming sneak attack if more representatives decided to come which is also why they said we're allowed to choose the time and place for the meet up." 

Argon reassured everyone's worries as he patiently awaited someone's or everyone's responses, hoping most will agree with him and take the cure in return for swearing loyalty to their saviors for the rest of their lives. That doesn't sound too bad if one were to think about it since living pain free is better than having a limited lifespan of 35 years compared to having the suffering only increases overtime by like x5 the more one use their awakened abilities.

As they thought long and hard about whether or not to take the offer, Victor sitting in the corner clenches his right palm as his mood turn dull and resentful. All this time, he's been trying to gain control over the clan but in order to do so, one must be sitting at the head of the Great White Tiger's clan. 18 years has passed, yet he still wasn't able to achieve a single thing.

He thought that if he proposes a possible solution to find the cure it would make him look like the savior and the hope of the clan, gaining the recognition needed to make him look like a better suitable clan head fit for the Great White Tiger Clan instead of Argon. But of course, his methods were deemed sinful. Even so, he did his research in secret in hopes to find a cure for himself even if others would look down on his methods. 

But now, all his plans are ruined thanks to 2 individuals. If the negotiation goes well, Argon will most likely stay in power while he continues to fall behind. That's something he cannot stand, being a follower to low lives when he should be leading them instead. His greed for power and arrogance knows no bound and in order to achieve it, he's willing to go to such lengths and eliminate all immediate threats that stand in his way. Even his own brother, Argon. 


{~𝕊𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖~}


[South Korea near Jirisan National Park, Eminence Headquarters] 

[Night 10:14 pm] 


In the meantime, 2 said individuals are unaware of the events taking place at the White Tiger's Headquarter as they prepare for war, thinking nothing of the negotiation due to their high levels of confidence in succeeding taking over the White Tiger's clan. 

The twin's headquarters resides in a high secretive mountain range that currently looks unfurnished on the inside, but the outsides look well modernize with some high-tech technology created from their world and the anime-verse.

There are more than 5,000 rooms with 20 or so floors and an underground bunker that has all the necessities for human survival over the next few hundred years. The total cost of the base sums up to about $25.7 million dollars, not including the millions of dollars in furniture that has yet to arrive. 

In order to financial fund Eminence, both Yulius and Chelsea spend many, many late nights where they were finally left alone with no one supervising them, to crash many stock markets overseas so they could retain more than $100 million dollars in stocks. They were able to accomplish this in such little time (approximately 2 years to reach their goal) due to their experiences and knowledge from their previous life, adding on to the fact that they could manipulate the stock market with their time affinity to have it play out however they want it to. 

The location of Eminence headquarter is hidden very well. To reach the base, you must have an invitation, or an identification coin that teleports you directly to the front entrance of the base. There is a strong high-tech barrier mixed with the Seo sister's limitless technique that enhances the barrier's durability while making it stronger over long periods of time since it does not require someone or something to power the barrier as it receives its energy source from absorbing the many magical particles residing in the atmosphere created by awakeners. The barrier also possesses shock absorption and repellent properties, bettering the base overall defense. 

Speaking of better defense, as soon as you step anywhere near 500 meters of Eminence's property, invisible motion detectors will automatically announce and notify residing members in Eminence's base of your arrival. If the awakener is not one of their own or received an invitation, cautionary measures will be taken using methods to capture the unknown fugitives based on their danger level from 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. 

Once apprehended, the attacker will be placed in durable awakener's cell holders where they will be identified thanks to the help of H.A.V.E.N.S. (Hard. A*s. Vindictive. Energetic. Neurological. System.) The AI the Seo twin programmed and named by Chelsea. 

Once identified, it will show everything, and yes, I mean everything about the awakener. Whether it's how many people they've killed, or their sick psychotic personality that can't possibly be as bad as Chelsea's, or even the number of women they've bedded, everything will come to light by H.A.V.E.N. (That last function was most definitely not added on a whim by Chelsea's terrible sense of humor.)

All in all, H.A.V.E.N.S., the creation was to hack and control everything going around online on the internet and report it to its master so once the AI identified you, you're basically screwed over and though you can run, you cannot hide for long or forever for that matter, since everything surrounding you has some sort of technological encryption to it which makes identifying targets fairly easy. One way or another, the lost will be found, and all future enemies of Eminence could do is hope that they aren't on their blacklist as their fate is truly a futile depressing one. 


(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ FYI~ ♥

Though the location of Eminence Headquarters is near a national park in South Korea, it's actually in a mountain range. 
