[Chapter 6] A Way Out

[One of White Tiger's Warehouse] 

[Morning 10:37 am] 

[~3 Days Before the Wolfie's Assault~] 


"What can you do right?! ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING SUCH A QUESTIONS AS OF THIS MOMENT?!" He howls in exasperation, irritated that his dumb twin naively believes that there is a way out from the many avoidable mistakes he could've prevented. But time was never on any one's sides, and it seemingly seems too late for his case. 

"Yes-" Argon stubbornly protest but was immediately cut off by his raging brother who's even more annoyed than he already was due to his brother's naiveness. "IT'S TOO LATE?!" 

"Surely there must-" He tried to continue and voice out his claim, in hopes to scrape up the many broke pieces he could possibly gather, to repair his severely broken relationship with his twin while also repenting to his clan members.

"BUT THERE ISN'T! THERE'S NO WAY OUT AFTER DIGGING YOURSELF SO FAR IN AN ALREADY SINKING SHIP! IF I'M GOING DOWN, SO ARE YOU, AND EVERYONE ELSE!" Vengefully, he wiped out some of the elders who had their guard down with the swipe of his arcane sharp claws that extend outward, coating his entire right arm with a white-ish faded light rose red aura. And it only seemingly increased as his anger rose to greater heights, darkling the hue of his tainted bloody aura. 

Argon for a what seem like a moment of stillness, was completely lost. Lost in thought. Lost in time. At a loss of word. Lost in feelings, whatever the heck that means, he thought troublesomely as he stood still, witnessing his brother-, twin-, no-, Victor's fury.

But, looking at Victor now, he can't help but see him as his beloved little brother, his other half, his twin. Which is also the reason why he refuses to acknowledge the fact that the Victor in front of him is no longer the small innocent little boy he once knew and loved. 

'Loved?' Past tense? He confidently assumed he still loved his brother very much in every way possible, yet why did he feel doubtful of his own words. Was he lying to himself? For himself perhaps? No, that couldn't be. It couldn't be. He loved-, loves-, love? - His brother very much. Right? 

He tried to convince himself over, and over again, hoping to reassure what seemed to be his explicit confusion of the different loves from past, present, future, plurals, singular, - yet each and every word framed in his love analogy for Vict- his brother, all came back with even more doubt than the previous. He would have further investigated that matter if not for Victor's incoming attack snapping him out of his deep thoughts. 

Victor attempts to slash Argon's head off, missing, as a result of Argon's quick and heightened reflexes as he only manages to cut his cheek. "Not bad, brother. I actually thought I lost you for a second." He ridiculed humorously, readjusting his stance as he prepared his next attack. 

Argon wanted to say something, anything, but all that came up were pathetic excuses that died down in his throat, as he realizes how hard it was to speak as of that moment. But seeing Victor's stance, he decided against it, warily that he aggravate him further with his futile words as he got in a defensive stance, arms up, one of his hands in the form of a fist, close to his chest as his other hand remain slightly curled, lined up in front of his fist. 

Seeing Argon attempting to fight back, Victor couldn't help but chuckle creepily. "Finally decided to fight back, brother?" He taunted condescendingly, motioning his claws a little forward causing most to flinch. The other set of twins continued to observe the turns of events interesting enough. 

The two brothers stood there, not moving an inch. Or more so Victor was waiting for Argon to make the first move. Argon on the other hand couldn't bring himself to do what Victor expected of him. Not that he couldn't, but he was hesitating and worried that he'd hurt his dear brother who may seem like a lost cause to many, but to him, he lingers heavily onto the single strand of hope that he was still very well redeemable. 

Argon: "Bring it on, Victor." 

He provoked, finally deciding to make the first move as he sped towards Victor and strike him at the head with his already curled up fist. Argon leans his head to the side, avoiding the incoming attack as he counters, kneeing Argon hard in the stomach. Argon goes on all fours in response to the affliction caused by Victor as he spat out saliva mixed in with his blood. 

Victor: "You're pathetic if that's all you've got!" 

He exclaimed before kicking Argon like a ragdoll to the side. Argon brace for impact as he collided into the wall that crumbled upon him. Elders stood there, observing the battle and their fate that lies ahead because of it. Some worried with the loss of Argon they'll be force into a dictatorship rule under Victor's tyranny while others vouched that a stronger, cruel leader like Victor is needed and will lead their clan to greatness once and for all. All in all, both sides were split. 

The goody two shoes' twins on the other hand continued eating their snack nonchalant and happily as they discuss the current dramatic events. 

Chelsea: {It's fascinating how Victor's aura continues to increase at an alarming rate. I predict that he could fight evenly with a Top 200 at his current state.} 

Yulius: {Hm, but his energy is burning out too quickly so in the long run, a Top 200 would just have to out compete him in terms of stamina in order to secure a victory.} 

Chelsea: {True and also, he seems to be using his life force which means he's dying.} 

Yulius: {Yeah, but his death is expected. After all, in order for us to integrate all of the White Tiger Clan members fairly easily, he needs to die.} 

Chelsea: {That's a bit harsh, don't ya think?} 

Yulius: {I know, but his stubborn unreliable ideology will get him nowhere.}

Chelsea: {Ya, ya, I know. He also seems like a misogynist if you ask me.} 

Yulius: {Hm, all we can do is just wait and do damage control. Though I predict that this fight will only end with Argon and Victor's death so it should be easy to accomplish our goal.} 

Argon stood up, leaning on a giant boulder within reach to hold his weigh as he stared sadly and guiltily at Victor who gave him a pity look purposely and shamelessly. 

Victor: "You've got to try harder than that if you want to at least land a hit on me, brother." 

He spat pridefully and arrogantly, mixed in with amusement as he observes Argon wincing in pain. Taking full pleasure in the damage and suffering he caused sadistically, both Seo taking notice as one teased. 

Yulius: {Oh great, I have to deal with another Chelsea. What has my life become.} 

Chelsea: {Ah- Hey! I take offense to such matters relating to a shit head like that.} 

She pointed, confidently at that, to the man reimbursing his brother with newly wedded scars, surrounded in bursting white flames as he laughs cruelly. 


They stared in silence. 

 Chelsea: {Ahh- No comment.} 

Yulius: {Huh.} 

She sasses, her point standing, leaving the little Seo incapable of rebuttal. 

Victor: "Don't tell me that's all you've got!" 

Argon blocks the heat raging around him, scars lingering on both sides of his arms, darkening in color as visible tread of red streams down his fingertips. His condition only worsens as he tanks more of Victor's frontal attacks. Most of his upper half clothing burned, revealing his six packs litter with scars from harsh training. 

"Argon-sama." Purple mumble respectfully in sadness at his half-beaten master. 

Chelsea: {It's fascinating how loyal people are.} 

Hearing purple's whisper. 

Yulius: {Is it really?} 

Chelsea: {I mean, that purple mask dude is still rooting for his master even though he technically deserves what's coming to him.} 

Yulius: {Hm, they probably had a close relationship.} 

Chelsea: {Do you think we could have that?} 

Yulius: {What? Loyalty?} 

Chelsea: {Yep.} 

Yulius: {Don't know, loyalty is earned not gained.} 

Chelsea: {Hm, that just means we have to work hard to gain their trust.} 

Yulius: {Hm.}

She agreed. 

Argon: "Victor please, just listen-" 

He begged, on his knees, looking into his twin deep green eyes with conviction to rewriting his faults. 

Victor: "Shut up! Now you want to listen?! Well, you're too late. In fact, you're 7 years too f*cking late!" 

He fires a white fireball to Argon who tanks it once again, barely though as the searing white, blue-ish heat erodes his arms. He bites his lips tightly till it was bleeding, to prevent his painful screams from echoing out, showing signs of weakness in front of his elders who look down on him in distain. 

Chelsea: {Remind me to get rid of those monkeys.} 

Implying the prideful elders who are disrespecting their own master who is tanking the hits from his own brother like a man without retaliating. 

Yulius: {Hm.} 
