[Chapter 19] Foxes V/s Wolves Part 9 ~ Complications

[South Korea, Wolves Headquarters] 

[Night 11:55 pm] 

[Attack Commence on the Wolves] 


Kyro jumps down from the high balcony of some that he was standing on, making sure to land safely as to not bring any harm upon the child safely tucked in between his big arms. Once down, he orders 3 of his men to watch over her. They quickly did as they were told, with one of them holding the child in his arms while the others stand by and guard. 

Before he left Kira, he told her to stay put as it wouldn't take long to finish his business with the wolves. She obediently listened to her father like every good daughter would. Well, at least for now that is.

Once he got her reply, he turned away in the direction of the remaining wolves where Kitsune with Shiro's body happens to be in the middle of the standoff between both the wolves and the foxes. As much as he wants to question Kitsune's motives he cannot, as right now would not be the appropriate moment. Besides, that much doesn't really matter as long as Kitsune's loyalty is still with the fox clan. 

How unfortunate he will become once he hears the news regarding Kitsune's affiliation is most indefinitely not with the foxes or either of the Great Mythical Beast Clans. Not even an organization that is known or heard of before. 

But once he does hear of Kitsune's new affiliation, he'll probably shame him for choosing a no-namer organization while also abandoning the fox clan once he achieved his revenge against the wolves when he should continue serving the fox clan for doing himself a favor on getting his revenge against his brother's murder. 

All in all, he has yet to prepare himself for what's coming for him. As a matter a fact, what's coming at him. A huge fireball that came from only one person, Kitsune. Kyro enhances his arms to strengthen his arm to face the flaming red burst of flames head on. Easily, he counters the flames and swipe them away, dispelling the fireball completely. 

Seeing his attacks not having any effect on the fox patriarch, Kitsune couldn't help but frown as he stops his attacks knowing it would be meaningless to continue if they won't have any effect on someone as strong as Kyro. Yulius catching note of his uneasiness, she put a hand on his shoulder and pat it softly, nodding her head that all will be alright.

Though Zefron feels reassured by his new master's confidence, he still couldn't help but worry. Mainly because he has yet to see what she is fully capable of and from his observation, she is much younger than he is. Probably even younger than his decease brother. But age doesn't define one's strength and he knows that better than anyone. 

So, in spite of his worries, he's placing all his faith into his master and her twin to settle the war. That he can count on. As she has shown that she is one to stay true to her words, making her reliability soar through the roof. Even Shiro, the wolf's patriarch couldn't help but place not only his but the entirety of the wolf's clan future on her shoulders.

Quite burdensome some would say, but to Yulius, this pressure is nothing. And it will only continue to be nothing as she carries the hope and dreams of the entire Great Mythical Beast Clans alongside her twisted sister Chelsea. 

After canceling out Kitsune's attack, Kyro looked up to make eye contact with Kitsune. His dark gold eyes narrowed as he tries to study Kitsune's change but couldn't quite find any reason for his change. But upon further investigation, he realizes that Kitsune no longer refer to him by a respectful title that every other fox member does. 

Does that mean he's no longer affiliated with the foxes? But why? He questioned. From what he gathered, there should be no immediate causes for Kitsune to rebel against his own clan. Unless he decides to swear loyalty to someone else or... 

No, that's not possible. He couldn't of possibly know. Yet if that weren't the case, why would he defect from the clan he's been serving for the past couple of years. Even if he doesn't like anyone there, it doesn't mean he could simply sever ties from the one place he has called home for as long as he could remember. 

But here he is thinking that the possibility of Kitsune rebel-ish nature at the current moment has more than 80% chance to do with him. That being his brother's death. All the more reason that leads him to conclude that he also has a new master, and that master is the one that told him the truth. 

This thought confuses him though. If Kitsune knows he's his brother's true killer, why isn't he coming for him head on like the reckless idiot he was back then when he first heard of Kurama's death. Was it perhaps his new master that order him not to?

This thought angers him. Why was Kitsune so loyal to his new master that he's willing to put aside his revenge for a nobody, when he's been here and by his side the entire time. Perhaps it's because he killed his brother, but before he even knew of such things, Kitsune wasn't as well-behaved towards him as he is to his new master. 

Speaking of new master, he wonders where they are. The theory of Kitsune's new master being false didn't cross his mind at all because if that were the case, Kitsune would still be semi well-behaved towards him. But with that thought thrown out the window, he heightened his senses and put his guard up as he tries to search for the individual. 

Failing miserably to spot any unknown individual led Kyro to believe that Kitsune's new master is a coward. They didn't have the balls to face him, he concluded arrogantly even though that was far from the truth. Really far from the truth as the culprits he is searching for are both in front of him and behind him. 

But with the extreme power gap between them, he was incapable of spotting that. It's really funny really, because he's really smart, but he lets his arrogance get the better of him, leading to his poor decision-making judgement that could've been overturned if he actually thinks things through slowly and carefully. 

His overconfident may be due to his victory against Shiro. Maybe that was the cause of his short boost in ego. Nonetheless, this works out better for Eminence. The more their enemies overestimate themselves, the easier it is to defeat them and take everything they have. Gosh, people really need to stop overestimating themselves as that will lead to their downfall. 

But who cares. In the twin's eyes, awakeners should continue being mindless arrogant fools as it makes it easier for them to defeat each and every one of them before integrating what they had, into their organization. Cheers to human's greed. 

Kyro: "I never thought this day would come, Zefron." 

He started. He might as well to agitate Kitsune. This way, he gets Kitsune to let his emotions get the best of him which leads to their confrontation. If the other fox members see this, they would think Kitsune has gone mad, leading to his defect. That then gives him justification to execute him. 

As much as it saddens him to lose a good tool, he can't risk Kitsune spreading 'lies' about the things he's done in the past. Mainly about his brother's death that he had a hand in. Also, the number of times he's framed other clans in order to cover his tracks and have an easier time manipulating sensitive fox members. 

And that's not even 1/4 of the many outrages inhumane crimes he has committed. Especially with the whole basement incident as there are many other warehouse bases that mainly consist of experimenting on awakeners in order to develop the bitcoins.

From one of the Seo's twin predictions, 1,000 - 1,450 dies yearly due to these mini experiments conducted. And that's not counting the other possible organizations that has a hand in these experiments of their owns. Furthering the number of lives lost which is more than 10,000. 

Truly disgusting, if others were to hear of this, his reputation will be ruined, which was all the more reason why he cannot let Kitsune go. He cannot risk everything he has built to go to shambles because he fancies one of his fox members. Moreover, if any of the other clans were to catch sight of this news, they would surely investigate him and all of the fox clan. 

And with the investigation going through, they are surely to find what he and many others has done in the name of the fox clan. As a result, this would lead to the end of the fox clan as not only him but everyone in the clan would suffer. Who is he to allow that to happen when everything he has done was all in the name of the foxes. In fact, he would argue that everything he has done is for the fox clan.

Not him surely, but for the foxes yes.

Getting rid of Kitsune is the same thing. He is a threat to the fox clan and therefore needs to be erase. He repeated that in his head over and over again. 'Everything I do is for the betterment of the fox clan.' And he'll continue to do so as long as he lives. 

Kyro: "I can't believe you would betray me after everything I've done for you." 

Zef: "....." 

He stayed silent as he knows better than anyone that the fox clan head is trying to get under his skin. He knows very well the second he says Zachary's name that it'll work, but with his new master by his side, he doesn't want to disappoint her by letting his emotion get the better of him, so he'll forcibly calm himself down. 

Kyro: "Letting you get revenge on the person who killed your brother after I tired him out enough just for you to stab me in the back. How heartless of you."

Zef: "....." 

Zefron still did not answer. But when the fox patriarch had the nerve to bring up his dead brother's thoughts about the situation, he couldn't take it anymore. Who would as a matter fact? 

Kyro: "What would Zachary think of this?" 

As much as Zef wanted to hold in his rage, he couldn't. He didn't think if Kyro said Zach's atlas Kurama, that it wouldn't bother him so much, which he still thinks it wouldn't. But to say his actual birth name was something else. A whole new ordeal as a matter a fact.

Before he decides to attack Kyro, he looked to the side where his master was still invisible to other's eyes. His eyes, almost like a silent plead to let him do as he please, begged his master to let him have a go with the fox patriarch. Even if he knew he wouldn't win, he at least wanted to get a good punch in on his face. 

She sighed but agreed nevertheless with a nod. Zef cheered mentally and thankful for his master's understanding nature before turning to face Kyro right before he laid Shiro's 'dead' body down. His expression changed to a chilly cold one mixed in with a lot of rage in his confrontation with Kyro who stood a couple of yards away from him.

Kyro and some observant ones noticed Zef's weird behavior. Everyone from what they understand knew Zachary's death was a sour subject to touch and Zefron would immediately jump anyone that dared utter his name. 

Yet he didn't immediately jump Kyro when he did. Naturally he wouldn't because before Kyro was his master, but now it's different. Kyro is Zefron's enemy. And as such, he should've attacked him almost instantly the second he said Zachary's name. But he didn't. Instead, he looked to side like there was a person standing there and asked for permission to make a move. 

That led to Kyro believing that his earlier theory is somewhat correct. Zefron did indeed have a new master, that he firmly believed without even needing to be told twice. The part he missed was that Zefron's master was indeed here in the premise. 

But where is the question. He didn't sense them, but Zefron's earlier action proved him wrong. And because of that, he couldn't help but feel wary of them. He can't sense them is already bad enough because if they wanted to, they could've killed him without him even being aware of his death. 

And yet something tells him that they have no intention of doing so for now which made him feel a bit better. Brushing aside his worries, he faced Zefron hoping to impress whoever Zefron's new master is in order to secure his survival.

How unfortunate he will be of his already destined end. 
