beginning relationship

Ken and Yezi come to the home now . Ken was tired .

Ken ; I'm tired ...

Yezi : where you are going to sleep.

Ken ; it's my bed and I sleep on bed always did you heard always ..

Yezi ; I will sleep there too. you will sleep on right side and I will be on left .

Ken ; you should go to sleep Sofa .

Yezi ; I'm going to tell all that you want me to sit here on sofa .

Ken ; stop it .. okey okey you sleep on bed too but have a pillow in the middle of bed.

Yezi : that's must be okey ... I am taking a bath after you go and fresh yourself.

Ken ;ahn you are becoming very sweet wife 

Yezi ; who said I'm your wife. It's all forced marriage for me . I was not agree to marry with you.

Ken ; same for it's a contract marriage well

Yezi ; Ken !go fast I'm waiting here .

Ken ; being quite... you go to the bathroom first.

Yezi ; oh thanks Ken 

Ken was thinking that why I am not feeling awkward with her. She is really just a friend now. so casual now. well just forget about her .. she is not a bad person I was thinking her.

Yezi; come with wearing a night suit 

what are looking at ?

Ken ; nothing 

Yezi ; sleep on the left side 

Ken fall a sleep and felt a bit awkward sleeping with her on the same bed .

Advin was go out with her girl in a date.

Tanya ; Where you were?

Advin ; on my one of best friend marriage.

Tanya touched him from his shoulders smoothly and sits in her lap with the beard legs .

Advin feel a bit awkward. He was sweating and his heartbeat become fast .

Tanya ; what happened? Advin you are not talking with me . She touched his chin by her hands .

Advin was not shy and he back looks at her.

Advin ; just nothing baby.. we are already this close so why don't we date.

fixing her hair with his hands.

Tanya received a call from a man..

oh Advin wait I got a call from my friend.

yeah I'm here just a minute.

Advin I should go take care .

Advin ; yeah call me when you reached home.

She is very clingy.. I didn't guess her she was looking tough but not she is not ... well at least she was close to me. I am just getting attached to her. ahmmm my heart.

Rosella come to her home now she was tired and feeling dizzy so much.. she wants to check up on hospital . she didn't tell her family about this condition.

I should go tomorrow what happened to me 

well go for sleep now .

the next morning... yezi wake up early ken was sleeping here . She wake him up .

Ken ! wake up 

ken ; mind your own business. didn't you read the contract paper.

Yezi ; oh sorry I just feel that we are like a friends .

Ken ; huhh who want to be your friend.

Yezi: okey sleep useless, careless

Ken father ; where is ken?

Yezi; He is sleeping... actually he awake last night .

Ken's father; why ? 

Yezi ; he was reading a novel .

Ken's father; ahahaha he didn't ever learn his lesson and reading novel funny joke .

Yezi ; ahmm 

Ken father ; no worries. Tell me how about your night . His behavior was good with you ?

Yezi ; yeah He is very nice person. He treats me good .

Ken's father; I just want to both happy. Tell him also to go in office he never listened me .

Yezi; okey Where is mother-in-law?

ken's father; She is very busy she is on bussinses trip and she just go on a flat at early .

Yezi ; okey I'm leaving father. see you later 

Ken's father; yeah focus on career .

Ken was awake now it's 3pm really . ahhh I fall this long .

Ken ; now I'm married I have nothing to do . should I go to the club .

He take a look on his weeding ring no it's not for me place now . I'm married now.

Ken go inside and take his breakfast.

ken's father; Be a responsible person now you're married already.

Ken ; what just happened I'm married just what I need to do ? can't I spend my life by my own .

ken's father; no you're married. You have a responsible for your wife and for your kids in the future too. 

Ken ; kids... you thinks so far for me dad .I'm not accepting this marriage and you're talking about my kids.

ken's father: what's problem in her ? she is good you are the only one who takes her wrong always. 

Ken ; ahhhh I'm leaving my room .

Yezi ; come back from the shoot in home back .

Ken ; Ahhhh again you here .

Yezi; where I go then ?

Ken ; just not here understand... you entered in my life just to changed my habits I will not change me .

Yezi ; I seriously can't understand you what you're yesterday and now .

Ken ; I just bore from the new thing

Yezi ; I'm a thing stop using me... just don't talk to me now . she quiltly go for sleep after changing her clothes.

he was sitting on his right side of the bed .

ahhhhhhh what the hell man she sleep I'm still in depression.I guess I still missing Hazel I can't imagine her to be my wife ..