wanna close to her

Ken was feeling annoyed about her. Why she is okey with me. It's better for us not to chat with each other. should go for sleep now .

He didn't sleep for a moment but at least he fall a sleep..after some hour spending.

the next morning.

Yezi wake up he sleeps without cover him up... He gave him blanket and go for shower and get ready for her work.

Father ; good morning Yezi

Yezi: good morning father...

father : where is he ? again sleeping.

Yezi ; Yes... I'm late for my work going .

father : Did they two fight together??

look at those what they are doing really.

Rosella take a appointment on hospital. but she first go to her office.

Good morning Rosella !!

Rosella ; good morning!!

how was the marriage ! I heard that president ken with Advin was also there.

Rosella ; Ken is CEO son .but Advin is who ? 

office colleges : Advin is also his partner holder son ...you don't know this before .but he don't come to company so you didn't know him. He is very careless always surrounded with girls. I heard that also He dating with different girls in bar at a same time and also ken is Same as them ken love a girl but he married to other... ohh when this rumors spread ... you know the girl rosella ? 

Rosella ; maybe I didn't take interest in it .

we should focus on work . 

Advin wake up and still looking for Tanya message awww my dream girl where you left.... where is Ken right now maybe in his home .

I should go there... he come to the Ken home .

Ken was sleeping at his room . He wake him up . Ken ! wake up it's morning.

Ken ; what you are doing here Advin .

Advin ; I was missing wanted to tell you more that what happened between me and the girl .

Ken ; with Rosella

Advin ; oh shut up.. it's Tanya the bar girl I told you... I think I am in love with her...

Ken ; huhh ! a new girl again.

well you already disturbed my dream I should awake now.. 

Advin: hahah I'm now a days very happy

tell me about sister in law?

Ken ; huhh her....

Advin : what happened did you two you fight together

Ken ; I don't know Advin... I'm not accepting her as my wife... I guess still have feeling for her.

Advin: stupid.... you said you Don't like gwe anymore.

Ken ; still hard for me... really

I'm already married to Yezi... Yezi is also ignoring me so much... I feel annoyed she don't talk me much .

Advin : oh so you going to be a good husband .

Ken ; not really I just want us to be stay as good friends sometimes I want to kill her sometimes she looks good ..that I want to talk her much

Advin ; you are staying you get annoyed after seeing her too much in your side . it's because you don't want to live with new one your mind is not want to accept her. she is on good point . I know her.. She was my class mate in past.

Ken ; you didn't tell me about it.

Advin ; you didn't talk about Yezi .

Ken ; whatever I want to eat something. I'm hunger.

Advin : let's go brother your servent here.

Yezi come to his dad home. they talked about Ken.

daughter you are very confident. I know you will win his heart one day.

other side Rosella go for checking up ... doctor checked her wrist.

and make a test.

lady doctor; you maybe not know but it's good News for you.. You're expecting..

Rosella : what ?

A child ..... shocked