I wanted to talk with... but

Rosella : don't say ... Are you joking with me doctor.

Lady doctor: are we these frank that I joke with you ... It's your report saying you're going to be mother .

Rosella ; A mother ! I can't even imagine it.

Doctor; I have many patients to deal .. you just get your medicine and be relaxed it's good for you both . chake up again .

Rosella was totally in shocked... What just happened really with me.. He hates me .. what's up with me.. my life is finished just now . People used to make fun of my character. If I told him He blamed me that I am using him again for mean. Where should I go now . I can't tell my parents about it.. and that's how I can't marry too . she started feel alone and weak and start cry suddenly sitting down the road.

people was walking there what's up with that girl ... don't know . she was looking so sad .

Ken and Advin go for lunch while driving they saw her walking without Concentrating.

Ken ; look at her .... Rosella!

Advin ; what ... I do then.

Ken ; stop the car...she is not looking okey 

Advin ; Ken you know she is Hazel friend just like her and you wanna go with her .

Ken ; she is not like her ... she is different so many times I told you. 

Advin ; whatever!

Ken go to the girl ... what happened with you rosella you are not looking right ?

Rosella cleaned her eyes I'm good you just go from there . I don't wanna talk with anyone .

Ken; something happened?

you just share with me. I'm your friend.

Rosella; no ken you must go from here .

Advin ; why he is not coming. looking at both of them ... seems so close that's he takes favor of her ...

Advin ; At least we drop you home .

Rosella: we what ?

Advin : Advin is with me . come with us .

Rosella; no thanks I will go by myself.

Advin; okey I'm leaving okey leaving take care of yourself.

Come back to car .

Advin ; you took so long ?

Ken ; yeah she was looking depressed... I hope she will be okey after it .

Advin : you are very worried about her ahnn 

Ken ; yeah she is a good girl .. also I know her closely for years .

Advin : friends and friends and same vibes... whatever let it go .

Ken ; I guess she is really sick somewhere I saw a hospital file in her hand .

Advin ; she and sick noway really.. she is the person who shoots people first.

Ken ; I really don't know why you hate her so much . Drive and I want to be here home

Advin : ahn Yezi 

Ken ; not her.. we are not talking now a days. she is very busy .

Advin ; be close to her then . sorry to her ... I I were on your side I will probably sorry to her ..how can I find a beautiful girl like that .

Ken ; shut up respect her.. she is not your tool for playing.

Advin ; now you find out she is your wife . feeling insecure huhhhh started lovin'her 

Ken ; love with her boring ass

just she is good girl that why I want she deserves respect.

Advin ; okey okey here your home bye see you .

Ken father; this is time for home back look at clock.

Advin ; know it .

Ken father ; have some shame. your wife already sleep.

don't go with your Advin friend he is very careless. I don't know how will he find a girl who make him up a noble person

Ken ; I'm tired I'm going to sleeping

Ken entered his room .. yezi was chatting with Eren in phone .

heh look at her she is awaking 

she was smiling at her mobile.. while chatting

Ken: Why didn't you sleep yet.

Yezi; ignored him 

Ken ; I'm talking with you Yezi.. can't you hear 

Yezi I'm talking with you . okey don't talk.

He feel a bit sad... she ignored him 

Ken go for sleep and she was still laughing at his phone .

Yezi looked at him sleeping and put lights off and going for sleep.

Rosella come to her home late go to her room I wanted to share with someone this is a very big and happy news it's making me sad because he is with no name.. He will not accept it ... better to hide for a while