
Ken was happy after hearing this.I love you too Yezi .

Yezi ; Let's go home now.

Ken ; let me drive.

They both reach home .

Ken was in a good mood now.

Yezi ; Ken I was thinking that I stopped being professional because I don't want to me surrounded with mans now .

Ken ; it's your Passion Yezi . do it if you want I'm not saying anything.

Yezi ; but I think I'm a house wife I don't keep this.

Ken ; Yezi are you alright.

Yezi ; Yes ! You're not understanding my point .

Ken ; what's the point ?

Yezi ; Foolish man ! I need a family like Rosella.

Ken ; ohhh so you are asking for this.

Yezi ; yes .. I always dream of me having a kids with a person who understands me and we have best chemistry to understands eachother . A more kind , humble , charm person who keep his family in hold and responsible also . Now you're already have all in you . You earn, responsible and now you know how to hold a family. You're not childish anymore. You're a man now .

I know when I first met you . You're narcissist and now you're not like it .

Ken ; thanks to you my dear wife . You really helped me to changed myself. I agree now why your dad give me a girl like you. I thanks for it . We got married and we are destined to each other. I really throught that we will not stay together at first and now I don't think it .

Yezi ; well.. Ken it's time to sleep tomorrow is your office...

Ken ; no I want to talked to you whole night .

all my problems .. I just want you to stay with me forever.

Yezi ; I'm here ... not going anywhere.

Yezi lay down on the bed side ...

Ken ; Yezi come close here

Yezi ; I'm okey here ...

Ken ; still shying I'm your husband I have right ... obey me haha..

Yezi ; laugh at him too ... very cold husband.

Ken hold her in his arm ... they both are so closed to eachother. They both feel the same feelings when. they go for a trip behind . They last time hold eachother there .

Ken started to chat to her... she was listening him.. and answering his questions.

She sleep and Ken stopped talking.. She just sleep.. He hold her tight and afraid of losing her .. He kissed her forehead. Thinking about her.

Advin come home with her. Advin: Rosella take rest. I will make food for a month. Yit you just stay here on bed with our baby

aww cute.

Advin looked at his son with teary eyes. Rosella looking at him seeing like way . Rosella;Why are you crying I'm going to cry too.

Advin: You just take care of you. He looks like me.

Rosella: stupid because you are his father.

Advin: Yeah I'm father now finally. I will never make him feel like I feel in my childhood.

Rosella: Be strong my man.

Advin hugged her started crying. She cleaned his tear and said I got two son maybe .

Advin laugh at her ...no you have one.

I'm not kid.

Rosella; Okay Advin my honey.

Advin: say again? honey.

Rosella; honey

Advin: now you take rest and sleep. I'm coming.

Calling on Rosella phone it was a wrong number.

Advin picked phone;

Hazel ; Rosella congratulations you just happy married with rich family as you said...Are you sure you spend a night with Advin..Is his child or Maddie's.

Advin ; shut up you bitch get out of our sight. How dare you to badmouthing to my wife and stay away and she has no relationship with him. Shame on you Hazel really you hate her that much .

Hazel : oh that's you... Advin I am not saying anything wrong.

Why I will feel shame.

Advin turn off the phone...

Advin I believe her she is not like that. Maddie is just nothing to him.

Just relaxed Ignore her.. she is always like that.

Rosella sleep there... He looked at her with smile and sleep here on the side bed

The next morning Yezi wake up she was on the arm of Ken... He awake too

Ken ; Good morning Yezi

Yezi ; good morning

Ken ; how was your night with me.

Yezi; ahmm amazing

Ken give her a good morning kiss

Yezi smile after kiss..

Yezi ; it's Sunday why don't we both go for walk together outside.

Ken ; for a morning walk

Yezi ; yeah

Ken ; sure let's go

They go for a walk there are so many girls looking at him and waving him

Hello Ken

Hii ken

Morning Ken

Yezi : Whose that girls ? flirting with you

Ken ; no no I don't know them . Who they are and know my name.

Yezi ; move ahead with me.

Ken ; yeah I'm looking you.

one girl ; oh Hi Ken it's been a while you are here for walking... Who's she ?

Ken ; she is my wife.

Girl : your wife.. you never told me you are married.

Ken ; you never asked me.

Yezi feel hurting.... (huh I'm here with him and he has so many girls to talk. in her mind thinking)

Ken ; Hey Yezi what happened with you.

you're ignoring me. Don't tell me you get jealous of that girl.

Yezi ; girl or girls

Ken : so you are jealous my little wifey you look cute when you do this.

Yezi; why you didn't tell anyone that you're married.

Ken ; sorry Yezi.. I will tell them all I am yours they got no chance.

Yezi ; I scared from the man nature's... A man can easily impressed from a beautiful girl.

Ken ; I'm not one of those guys .. You are the only girl I think is beautiful and enough for me .

time passed their life changed .. After some time Yezi willing to be mother... Rosella and Advin child is six month.