Moving in their life

Ken and Yezi blessed with a baby girl.

Yezi; my little princess come into world.

Ken ; my pretty doll. I'm so happy Yezi thanks for everything. You make me happy always and now we are parents of a child. I will take care of both of you. It's my responsibility from now.

Advin come with her wife Rosella.

Advin hold the rosella hand and he carried his son on his arm...

Ken ; look Edward here is your little sister.

Advin ; ahn not sister but your wife

Ken ; haha mind on

Rosella ; congratulations Yezi.

Molisa come here... Yezi congratulations

Yezi ; thanks come here Molisa I'm so sorry I was so busy in my life . I didn't take a look on you.You left the country went to London .

Molisa ; relax Yezi take rest I will tell you. I want to say something to you. Everyone it's my wedding on this week please come.

Yezi ; ahn who's that ? him

Molisa ; No it's Felix.. we met on London

Yezi ; oh Felix !

We will come surely

Rosella ; I will also come ...

Advin and Rosella looking at their son.

All are looking very happy.. expect Molisa she was in pain and nobody asked for her.. nobody noticed her pain in his eyes because they all just busy in their practical life with their kids.. She leave from the room and went back to his home.

Felix call her ... She picked.

Felix ; How is your friend..You said you're in hospital.

Molisa;She is alright..She blessed with baby girl.

Felix ; Good to know it. Where you are ? I'm still missing you.. come here with me in my home. I want you here with me everytime.

Molisa; I am coming.

Felix ; waiting...

Molisa ; I'm here...Honey..

Felix ; Ah my sweet girl came. He hugged her.

Molisa ; You know you asked me for who I liked in the past.

Felix ; yeah so you decided to tell me now.

Molisa; I think it's best time for you to know that I have crush on someone for huge time. He was my classmate.

Felix ; a classmate it's very common it's happen when you look for someone who doesn't look at you.

Molisa; no no we were closed friends in the past. He approached me first when I am not interested in him. We sit with eachother in School. He helped me in my studies but it's because he just wants attention from me. He did this to me. He used me for his time passed and I'm foolish calling it friendship. But I know now he never be my crush.. I was just admired his fake personality. His real personality is nothing. I'm telling you because I love you... I want you to know because I don't want to keep it from you. I don't want to lose you. because I love you.

Felix : come here.. he hugged her... I know you're not like that but I don't know why man do this with everyone just to destroy the women mental health because they forget that we are also gave birth from our mother and later on life a girl will be the reason of the birth of his child... I'm not like that I will not do it with you and anyone.I believe you Molisa you're innocent. just stay away from toxic man.. they are the reason the families are destroyed.

Molisa; thanks for understanding me. only little more Yezi know about Him.

He just feel regretting now a days and I am not going back to him.

Felix ; He wants you.. Why ?

Molisa; I don't want him now.. He insulted my character if he once said he will said again... Protect me Felix from him.. I'm very scared . He is psychopath. He will kill me

Felix ; noway I will kill him. If he done it anything wrong to you I'm here for it looking at what harm you. Just believe me.

Louis come to Molisa home.

Louis ; hello mother in law. Where is Molisa .

She slapped me huh how dare she slapped me.. I just make her fall in love again and leave her again so she know the pain of slap.

Molisa ; you psycho.. Manipulater .. stay away from my life. My life is not your concern.

Louis; Your life is my life. Just go with me. You bitch !

Molisa ; you're mental. I'm not mental like you who used people feelings for his time passed and always ignore the people when they need you the most. You always keep me waiting I know I don't share it from my words but you never understand me that I care about you always you gave my time to all other girls .You said I have affair with Advin and I didn't say ...I was foolish thi kubf this is love but this was your two face you were enjoying playing game with me .Are you human or what . Don't you it's hurts here on this place .You have no inside guilty right now . you're not regretting anything.You didn't feel ashamed so heartless.leave I said leave.

Louis ; What's she think she is ? huh regret and me. noway.He called her girlfriend. He went to her home . She was with another guy.

His gf ; Oh Louis... I didn't pick up your baby. He is my ex boyfriend we just make up .

Louis; you cheat me. I love you baby don't leave me. You said you didn't have boyfriend. I was the first one

His gf ; Yeah you are the first one . He was the one I like... Most .. He has money . He is wealthy... You already had so many girls make one for your new girlfriend.

Louis ; But you're the one I admired so much. You're beautiful. I'm obsessed with you baby .

his girl ; just we are breaking up.. I want some money from you. I get it and the love thing I love him . He knows that you are doing this because you love my beauty and body not me but my all things belong to him.

just go . Hope we will not meet up again .

Louis sitting on the park. He was sad ... remember the behind memories what he did wrong in the past he get betrayed