"Diana,wait up!"

"Diana,please wait up!!"

"Diana, listen to me please. I'm begging you"

"Diana, please just listen me. I can explain..."

"Explain what Aiden? What do you wanna explain?" after minutes of Aiden running after her and calling her, she finally turned to look at him.

"I can explain what you saw..."

"What I saw? you want to explain what I Saw? FINE!! explain to me why you're following me with loosed pants, unbuttoned shirt ,ruffled hair. explain to me why you have lipstick kisses on your face,your neck. you can also explain to me why I saw you fucking my cousin"Diana didn't want to hear anything right now because there was no reasonable explanation for what she saw.

"you really didn't see any thing Diana. nothing ha....."Diana took the words out of his mouth.

"Nothing happened? really nothing happened?so I was imagining things right?" Diana was angry right now because he was lying about it. couldn't he just be frank for once?

"Diana nothing happened between us. Natalie and I did nothing" Aiden said trying to reassure her that nothing she saw really happened.

"So you're trying to say that I didn't see her hands around your neck and your hands around her waist? I didn't see you shoving your tongue down her throat and GODDAMMIT, I didn't see your cock in her pussy? Aiden Just Stop It!! Stop Lying To My Face!!!"

"Diana,what you saw was a mistake. it was a very grave mis....."

"So what I saw was a mistake? your hands around her waist was a mistake? kissing her was a mistake? YOUR COCK DIGGING INTO HER PUSSY WAS A MISTAKE?" Diana was furious!! anger flowed through her veins right now.

"I don't know how to explain it okay?it just happened..."why Aiden was talking , Diana dialed a number on her phone.

"I get it. you invited me to your party so I could see you fuck my cousin"

"Diana it was a mistake.everything was a mistake Diana!!"Aiden kept saying it was a mistake but Diana didn't want to hear any of it.

"Yeah you're right. everything thing is a mistake. THIS RELATIONSHIP IS A MISTAKE"Diana sounded the last part to him. Aiden couldn't believe she just said that.

" No Diana,don't say that. you don't mean that" Aiden was taken aback by what she said.

"Oh yes I do. from this moment onward,DON'T.SHOW.ME.YOUR.FACE!!

"Diana, please don't end things with me. I love you so much. I can tolerate you being angry with me but please do not break up with me. I promise nothing like this will happen again....." While, Aiden was talking to her,she dialed a number in her phone.

"Could you drive me me home, please?"she told the other person on the line. once the person responded to her,she put an end to the call.

"You're going home.let me drive me you home"Aiden least if he could drive her home,he could have a chance to talk to her.

"No need. Callie is driving me home and don't think of following me"she told him before leaving his face.

"Diana wait!! don't do this..."Aiden called out to her but she didn't even turn to give him a glance.

"FUCK!!!" He cursed outwardly hitting his hand on the wall. the next thing he did was he pushed a table that had flower vases on it to the floor. this made people turn to look at him giving him the attention he didn't want now.

"WHAT'RE YOU LOOKING AT?"he was less of a question.the people retired their eyes to what they were doing before.

"WHAT!!! You broke up with Aiden? OH.MY.GOD!!! never saw that coming" Callie said. she had picked up Diana from the party twenty minutes ago and was driving her home.

"Do you think I did the right thing?or did I go a little overboard?" it was not like Diana was regretting her decision, somewhere deep down,it felt like it was a little overboard.

"well it's too late to be doubting yourself." Callie told her."You're not thinking of going back to Aiden are you?"Callie asked because it seems like that was Diana was thinking of doing and Diana just confirmed it with the face that said "I guess so".

"Baby girl, let me pinpoint it to you that he had his dick in Natalie's cunt. Do you know who Natalie is?she is your cousin, Natalie,the one we hate and would love to kill!!! so let me just make it clear to you that if you get back with Aiden,then I will consider you a fool for the rest of your life. who knows?you might even lose me in the process" This was Callie sounding a warning to Diana to not go back on her decision.

"So you think I did the right thing?" Diana asked.

"Baby girl I know you did the right thing. he deserved it and now, can you stop doubting your decision?"

"Of course...Any thing for you."Diana told her best friend. she sighed a sigh of relief as she relaxed her mind.

Diana walked to her front door. Callie had dropped her at at her house. she was standing at the front of her door. another person she would have to face now was her dad,who was probably waiting for her in the living room and who never liked Aiden in the first place.

She took in a deep breath and open the front door walking in. As she had guessed,her dad was in the living room on his computer. when her dad heard her footsteps,he looked up from his computer to see her.

"Hey Dad"she greeted her dad not bothering to stop walking.

"Angel, you're back"she heard her dad say.

"Goodnight dad"she told him as she continued walking to her room.

"Wait Diana, we need to talk!!"Her dad said it loud enough for her to hear. this finally made her to halt in her tracks and she finally turned to look at him.

"Dad,I am so tired. let's call it a night. I would love to rest even you too should rest. today was busy, tommorow will be busier." Diana said not in the mood to talk to her Dad at this moment.

"You came home early today. thought the party was supposed to end at 10pm"

"I'm so worn out and I needed rest so I came home early so can you please excuse me,I am going to--"

"You and Aiden had a fight?" questioned Mr Simmons as if already knowing they fought.

"Even Better. I broke up with him."Diana told him.Since the beginning her father had a problem with Aiden so she guessed he would be glad to hear it.

"And how is that better?"He questioned not knowing where this was going.

"You never like Aiden with me and you wanted things to end between me and Aiden. Aren't you glad that I finally broke up with him?"She finally explained it to him.

"Yes I never like Aiden but that doesn't mean I will hinder you from doing what makes you happy even if it means managing Aiden for a very long time."Mr Simmons explained clearly to her. this made her heart soften a little at what her father said. "He makes you happy so I'm willing to bear it." He went further to add.

'So her father never really wanted them to split'she thought to herself.

"Well too bad, he doesn't make me happy anymore"This was something she didn't want to talk about now. all she wanted to do right now was Force herself to sleep and never wake up until she wanted to.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?"inquired Diana.

"I might not be home for the next one month. My company is organizing a business trip to San Francisco" he mentioned it to her.

"That's great.when are you leaving?" inquired Diana.


"Good. I will attend parties to get over Aiden while you're away and is it okay if I throw a party at our house?"It was like Diana didn't care less if he was leaving for a month.

"You will not be attending parties while I'm away and certainly,you will not throw a party at my house"

"I attend parties while you're around so what makes you think I won't attend parties while you're away?" she was curious to know how her dad planned on stopping her.

"I told Someone to watch after you while I'm away"

"YOU DID WHAT?"she asked him though she heard him clearly.

"I told someone to take care of you while I am away."Mr Simmons knew she wouldn't like the sound of that but he had to,he couldn't bear anything happening to his daughter while he was away.

"You Hired A Babysitter For Me?Why?" she questioned him.she didn't need anyone to take care of her when she could perfectly do it by herself. she was not a five year old child,she was eighteen.

"You're too young to be left alone at home"

"Too young? Dad I'm not too young,I'm old enough to take care of my self. that's the point of eighteen,being able to take care of yourself" Diana was pissed. pissed that her dad hired someone to watch over her when she could clearly do it herself.

"We can't battle over this Diana. someome is watching over you in my absence and that's final"He made it clear to her. Nothing she would say or do will change his decision.

"You're right. I don't even know why I'm having this conversation with you."with that,she stomped angrily to her room.

Mr Simmons let out a sigh as he placed his hands on his waist. taking care of his daughter seems to be harder this days. not pondering much, he went back to work on his computer.