"Gggrrrrrrrr!!!" the bedside alarm clock rang loud enough for Diana to wake up and eventually it did.she hit the alarm clock hard telling it to shut up.

"HOLY FUCK!!! It's just ten in the morning. I thought I set this thing to eleven" the alarm wasn't suppose to open its mouth till one hour after. nevertheless,the deed has been done.

Today is a Saturday' she said to herself. Diana happened to love Saturdays as it was the only day she was free from school and other inconveniences.

Saturday also happened to be the day Aiden took her out. he would take her on dates and they would party all night returning home late at night.

'Well that's too sad. she already dumped him' She thought to herself.she would have to look for a way to spend this Saturday without him.

She took a shower and wore tank top and baggy trousers. While she was drying her hair with a towel,her phone beeped. she walked over to the bedside table to pick it up.

'Do you have plans for today cus if you don't, I do. text me if you don't,I will come get you at 12' the text message read. it was a message from Callie.

Apparently,she didn't have any plans for today so she texted Callie telling her she was available.

"Good morning Dad" She greeted her father who was sitting on the couch who was on his laptop.

"Good morning Honey. I made coffee for you. just heat it up if it's cold. okay?"

"Okay"She Walked into the kitchen and. apparently found the coffee on the kitchen counter.

"Are you going out?"Mr Simmons inquired wanting to know.

"Yes,why?"She asked not exactly clear on why he was asking.

"Be back before 7. I want you to meet someone"He told her still on his laptop.

"Who?" she at least wanted to know who she was meeting.she did think her father wanted her to meet her babysitter.

"Just be back by seven. you will get your answers" Mr Simmons didn't want to answer her question not at this moment.when she returns, she will meet her answers.

"Remind me"She told him taking her coffee to her room.

Callie ended up picking Diana from home. Diana asked where they were going on the way but Callie replied it was confidential. Diana was surprised when they showed up at the place.

"You took me to the mall? weren't we here on Monday?" 'So much for being 'rich' she thought to herself.

"Doesn't mean we can't go on Saturday." Callie replied her. "Now quick, get out from the car,we need to do some shopping Baby" Callie got out from the car and waited for Diana to get out.

They walked into the shopping mall. the shop assistant greeted them in and led them to the clothes and accessories session where they began to select the clothes.

"Seriously, why are we here? couldn't you take me to a fancy restaurant or something?" Diana said after ten minutes of shopping and she still couldn't found the dress she liked.

"We're here for you baby girl. this days, the way you dress makes me wonder if you are lacking underwears?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You didn't wear bra through out this week except for Wednesday when you didn't wear panties. you've been wearing a tank top with no bra."

"So? what's your point" Diana could not see wear this was going.

"Every guy at school has been looking at your nipples"

"Let them look.they haven't seen nipples before" Diana told with a carefree expression.

"Oh God Diana!!You re not even wearing a bra right now. I can see your nipples from here!!"

"Want me to take off the shirt?" Diana asked.

"Now is no time to be naughty" Diana heard Callie say and Callie took a bra from the hanger and tossing it to Diana she said "Try it on"

Diana caught the bra placing it on her chest and looking into the mirror she says "It's too small"

"How would you know if you haven't tried it on?"

"it's so boobs won't fit into this thing" Diana tossed the bra back to Callie.

"I don't know why I feel you are gonna get raped"

"No baby, I will rape. want me to start with you?"this was naughty Diana talking but before Diana could talk more, Callie threw her another bra.

"It won't fit in"Diana said for the fifteenth time Callie was tossing her a bra.

"Diana!! pick a bra already. we need to get you panties."

"Wow! I like this one"Diana said placing the lacy bra on her chest.

"Why won't ya? its lacy"Diana loved lacy bras.

"My best friend knows me."Diana smiled at Callie. "I will try more of these lacy bras" she said.

"At least,try some of the decent bra"

"Okay sweetheart...I'll try two."

After they were done shopping, Callie paid for whatever they bought. Callie drove to a restaurant where they ordered what they wanted.

"Where are you taking me after this?"Diana asked taking a bite from her chicken.

"Milo is having a party.he invited me and he said I could bring anyone"

"Sure,I will come with you. just get me home before it clocks eight"

"Sure bestie"

By seven,Callie had already drove them to the party and it seems like Milo had been waiting them or rather,Callie.

"It seems like Milo has been waiting for us"Callie looked at Milo who had already detected that she had arrived.

"Did you hook up with Milo?"Diana just had to ask but Callie didn't give her an answer but instead, winked at her. she came out of the car where they both walked up to each other and tongue kissed and this got Diana irritated.

Diana came out of the car and walked up to them where they were smooching and sperated them.

"Hey,Diana didn't see you-"

"You would have if you two weren't swallowing each other's tongue."She said before walking in to the party.

She spent 40 minutes at the bar center having a few shots. One would think that after breaking up with Aiden,she would try to make him jealous. Maybe kiss another guy in front of him or dance in such a way that Aiden would regret cheating on her... But no,she was not into such things and moreover,she was too lazy.

"Weren't we clear on you not showing your face to me anymore?"Diana asked the person who took a seat close to her. apparently,he had come here to plead for her forgiveness.

"Diana, you've been ignoring me all day" He told her like she was meant to feel sorry.

"I suppose you know the reason why" Diana said taking a shot.

"I already apologized to you. it was all a mistake. it wasn't meant to happen."

"Tell me more" she said looking uninterested.

"I have been thinking about you all day-"

"While fucking my cousin?" she said taking another shot.

"Diana,just hear me out"

"Don't want to." Aiden heard her clearly. Diana checked the time and found out it was almost eight.

"One more thing,STOP SHOWING ME YOUR FACE. IT'S ANNOYING!!" she told him before walking away and Aiden just had to stare at her back.