"So you mean he has this sexy secretary and you're jealous???" Callie leaned on the locker next to Diana's own as she munched on her chocolate cookies.

"Ohmagad I did not say that..." Diana slammed her locker upon hearing Callie.

"So what are you trying to get at??" Callie asked with a 'I don't understand' tone.

"I don't know why I feel she has a motive" Opening her locker again, she scrambled through her things.

"Or you're just being jealous??" 

"Callie.... you're not helping" Diana rolled her eyes slamming her locker to meet Callie's eyes.

"Babe, don't overthink it, okay?" Callie had said. She didn't want her best friend worrying over a priceless moron.

"Okay." Diana nodded her head thinning her lips.

"There's this reunion I have to go to after school and I want you to go with me"

"Sure" Diana didn't have anything to kill time with after school so going with Callie after school was the best thing to do.

Upon hearing the bell,they both groan in annoyance and strolled towards their class...


 "So....tell me about this reunion" Diana had her arm entangled with Callie's as they walked towards the parking lot.

"Uhmmm.... it's basically a gathering for friends who haven't seen each other for a while"

"Hmmm.... So how did you meet them?" Diana asked getting interested.

"When I was 13 or younger, my dad didn't like me staying at home alone so he kinda enrolled me in this shithole where children around my age play,learn and do some other stuffs"


"It wasn't wow to me"


"Uhhh.... Let's just say I didn't find fun in it" Callie smiled at Diana as she beeped open her car.

"So why do you bother going?" Diana asked. If her best friend didn't find fun there, why was she going to the reunion?

"That's the problem, my dad is forcing me to go though I told him countless times I didn't want to go and maybe... because I just want to see someone's face" A smile forced it's way through to appear on her lips as she got into her car. Diana did the same and entered the car.

"Oh you want to see someone? May I ask who this someone is?"

"It's nothing... Just shut up okay?" Callie said trying to erase the blush that now settled on her face.

"Okay bestie"

Through out the journey, they chattered talking about what has been happening in her life recently and they laughed between chatters.

They finally arrived at the venue for the reunion. It was a restaurant and by the looks of it, it was posh. 

"I guess only rich kids attended the shithole" Diana said referring to the center Callie attended. Looking at the restaurant, Diana knew that this meeting was hosted by wealthy kids.

" stupid ones" Callie pronounced every word with distaste. Discharging the key so that the car would be at rest, she said "I'm starting to thank God you didn't attend that fucking hole" 

"You really don't like it?"

"Don't like? I HATE HATE HATE that place and all the thrash it contains" Callie said her nails digging into her palm.

"Calm down bae" Diana said trying to steady the emotions of her best friend.

They got down from the car and walked into the restaurant. It was very big inside and the smell of mouthwatering dishes wafted in the air.

They sauntered towards the room the meeting was being held. Getting to the door that will get them into the room, Diana placed her hand on the door knob and turned to look at her best friend.

"You ready to meet those wasted sperm bags?" Diana had always been vulgar especially in front of the people she was familiar with.

"I will never be ready so let's just go in....and out" Diana patted her best friend on her shoulder. Opening the door, they both walked in. The room was exquisitely large for a table of more than twenty five people.

Looking at the almost filled dining, Callie could tell she was a bit late and she didn't care anyways. 

"Hey look, Callie is here!" A girl screamed from the near end of the dining turning heads to look at Callie and the girl beside her. 

"Hey Callie" Everyone said. though she could hear some rude tone of voices, she didn't care.

Picking two vacant seats, Callie sat on one while Diana sat on one. Everyone in the dining was intensely staring at her like they expected something from her.

"Sorry I'm late.... Traffic issues" She said expressionless.

"How are you?" The girl by the left side of Callie asked. She was a Blondie with glasses almost looking like a nerdy type.

"Great" Callie told her.

"How's life treating you?" A spiky haired boy seating three seats to the left opposite Callie asked. He had this lopsided grin on his lips.

"What do you think Rufus?"Callie said asking him with the same lopsided smile on her face.