Rufus? Isn't that the name of a dog?

Diana had said in her mind smiling to herself and before she knew it, all heads had turned to look at her.

"What did you say?" The Rufus guy had turned to face Diana and he was no longer wearing that grin anymore.

"Oops! Did I say that out loud?" Diana deadpanned.

Truth to be told, she didn't even know she said that out loud.

"Callie, who's she?" Rufus had asked staring intently at Callie.

"Pardon me for late introductory... I'm Diana" she told them smiling.

"Callie, I thought this was a reunion party... Not a plus one party"The straight haired girl sitting beside Rufus said. Now that 

Diana looked at her, she loved her straight hair,at least,it was straighter than her life.

"Callie decided to tag me along too... Since you're so jealous, why don't you go get your plus one?"

"Are you..."

"Shhh..." Diana butted in on her. " I thought this was a reunion party? Where's the food?" Diana said disrupting any other conversations there were.

 "Please pass me the menu?" She said talking to the girl opposite her and with the menu. The girl hesistated before giving her the menu.

"Callie what would you like to eat?"Diana said now focusing on Callie while the rest seems to focus on them.

"I'm okay with anything" Callie smiled at her. She really wanted to tell Diana how she loved her so much.

"Uhm...just to be clear, who's paying for the food?" Diana asked not wanting to pay for anything.

"Don't worry... someone is already paying for the food we're gonna order." The girl sitting beside Callie answered. She really seemed like a nice girl.

"Oh. That's great" She said and started going through the table of contents of food they served.

When she was done, she kept the tab beside her and looked at the table around the dining.

"'s finally nice to see you" The girl who sat beside Rufus had said and by the look on her face she didn't mean it.

"Likewise Samantha" Callie flashed her the exact smile she had given her.

"I'm dying to know how you have been"

"Hmmm" Callie responded and she started talking to Diana while Samantha just stared at them. 

Eventually, everyone ordered their food and they dug in. The mixture of noises created by the jamming of forks with plate and murmurs from people gisting within themselves filled the atmosphere.

Diana just ate her spaghetti with rapt attention but she couldn't deny the fact that Samantha's eyes were killing. Even Callie could feel it.

"Babe, did you do anything to that dickhead who is staring?" Diana asked her friend who was also eating spaghetti.

"Nothing that I know of" Callie gave a neutral reply.

"Then why the fuck is she staring?" Callie asked her volume slightly louder than a whisper.

They did ignore her stare hoping she would stop staring but she didn't and Diana could swear it was killing. She wanted to drive the fork in her hand into Samantha's eyes.


"Attention everyone!!" Samantha said as she continuously jammed her fork with her plate so that it could draw everyone's attention. 

As expected, everyone shifted their eyes to rest it on her.

"So I talked to one of our friends yesterday and he said he wouldn't be able to make it so he decided to makeup by paying for our lunch" Everyone applauded as soon as she was done. Though, there was a hue of sadness that tainted Callie's face as she already got the hint of who the person might be.

"Who is the person though?" A honey blonde haired guy sitting seven seats to the left of Rufus asked.

"Why don't we ask Callie? I think she knows who the person might be" Samantha smirked whilst knowing what she was doing. She wasn't letting Callie get any air to breathe.

"What do you want Samantha?" Callie asked getting tired at Samantha's intentional attack on her.

"They wanna know who the person is" Samantha said with a cool expression but behind that mask, was an angry face.

"Are you still angry?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Well I apologized even though I didn't know what the hell I did" Callie hated the fact that she had to cross lane with this girl.

"You stole my boyfriend"Samantha blurted.

"First of all, I didn't steal anybody from you and he wasn't even yours to begin with" Why was this idiot so petty? Callie had to ask herself.

"O fuck you!!" Everyone was watching the two girls fight with their mouth and they could swear they were enjoying it.

"Go fuck yourself!!"

And just like that, the lunch had turned into a clash between the two girls with Samantha taking deep breaths and Callie wanting to leave the diner.

"I hate you so much,you know that... He had his attention on me only for it to be stolen away by you... You were just a girl in the corner who just scribbled her time in her notebook only for you to turn out a thief" Samantha gritted her teeth as anger flowed through her veins.

"So you're going to put the blame on me just because you couldn't end up with the guy you liked?"

"I would be dating him if you didn't snatch him"

"I would have loved to explain things to you...but you're just another blockhead who won't listen to anybody"

"Did you just call me a blockhead?"

"Want me to do it again?"

"I can't believe don't even feel sorry"Tears were already threatening to fall at the corner of her eyes.

"Grow up Samantha,that was like five years ago"

"This whole thing is your fucking fault"

"Excuse you but it is not my fault you're still moping about a guy who didn't even like you"

"I'm going to kill you!!!" immediately,Samantha picked up a knife and climbed the table to reach Diana.

"What sort of lunatic are you??? Do you want to kill my best friend???"Diana asked immediately seizing the knife from her.

"Samantha, you're creating a scene"in as much as Callie loved getting into fights, fighting with Samantha was just pointless.

"No,I think you both are creating a scene...You two should leave" Rufus said turning the heads of everyone to looks at him. Diana had only met Rufus but she could already tell she hated him.

"With pleasure" Callie grabbed her bag from the chair and they both walked out with Diana leaving first and Callie followed behind her. However,Callie was about to leave through the door but she halted and that caused everyone to look at her. She turned back only to stare at Samantha.

"And Samantha, move on..He is not coming back for you" Taking a quick glance at her, she stepped out of the room.