Just at 8:15PM, They pulled up at Aiden's party which was organized by Diana and it pained her so much. If she knew he was going to cheat on her, she would never had dated him or done anything with him. She hated him so much not because he cheated on her, but because he had cheated on her with no other person than her cousin,NATALIE!!!

It was so annoying how Natalie was her cousin. They said having cousins bring so much joy but where was the joy between she and her Natalie???

Natalie was just another spoilt brat who wasn't contented with anything she had. She always wanted more. Natalie's personality contrasted heavily with her mother's personality.

Her Aunt was kind, carefree, faithful to her husband unlike her mother. Sometimes she wondered if she was her mother's daughter ors she was her Aunty's daughter cus Natalie really fitted into the shoes of being her mother's daughter.

"Hey baby" A voice drew her from her thoughts. She looked up to see it was Milo walking towards them. Callie ran into his arms hugging him and right after kissing him...and he kissed her back causing Diana to roll her eyes. 


"No need to remind me that I have no one one to shove their tongue down my throat" She told them causing them to break their kiss. They looked at her and burst into laughter.

"Hey Diana..."

"Didn't see me there, I know" As if knowing he was going to say that she cut him off.

"Uhh...I was going to say welcome to the party"

"Really? I don't believe you" She told him folding her arms on her chest. Milo and Aiden were considered best friends as they were so close to each other and Milo had the reputation of the biggest Playboy at school.

He never made it through with any girl for more than a week except Callie,which is why Diana did not have any idea why Callie was an exception.

"Callie,I'm going to change...see you later"Diana said walking past them leaving Callie and her so called boyfriend to catch up with each other.

She didn't have to put so much thinking about what she was going to wear for the evening. Back then, when she had planned this party,she already picked what she was going to wear. 

She wore a black bikini two piece outfit right after putting on a black crotchet top and wearing a pair of denim short. She didn't understand why Callie wanted her to come for this party. Now she had to put up with seeing Aiden's face.

Done with changing, she walked into the life of the party. as always,she always made heads turn. She walked towards her favourite place in a party, The Champagne Stand....

If there was one thing she believed should be one of the characteristics of a party,it would be the presence of sorted drinks. Alcohols, wine,fruit drinks and all others should be present.The drinks were already poured into the wine glasses.

"Didn't think you would come here" as if already knowing who was behind her,she didn't turn to look at him.She picked up a wineglass from the table which contained a considerable amount of red wine holding it at the stem of the glass.

"I bet you missed me and that's why you came to see my face" She rolled her eyes upon hearing him. Why would he think she will miss him?

She decided to ignore him. Ignoring a fool was the best decision anyways.

"Why won't you pick my calls?"

Is he still talking? When will he realise that she doesn't feel like talking to him? She groaned internally with her back still facing him.

"So you want to play hard to get? Don't worry,I like girls who play hard to get"

This moron...why won't he just leave me alone? Is his head so thick that he still can't get over the fact that I broke up with him?

She turned to face him. He was wearing a beach shirt which was left unbuttoned and red shorts which was slightly above his knee. He was handsome she knew that but nothing could change the fact that he was a cheat.

"Aiden,I don't know how many times I have to carve this into your brain that we..." She used her finger to signify the both of them.

"are no longer a thing. There's nothing between us. You can fuck whoever you want to fuck and I won't be bothered so just go to hell..You hear me?" She told him right after walking off leaving him at the champagne stand.

Why the hell did I agree to Callie's request? She asked herself.

Pool... She needed to be by the pool. She sauntered towards the pull and just by looking at it, she saw people inside either swimming or couples making out.It was no new thing that couples screw themselves in the pool and some guys wash off their liquid in the pool. Diana shivered at the thought of that.

She sat at the edge of the pool letting the water soak her legs. Only God knew where Callie was at the moment.maybe in some enclosed space with Milo.

"Half past 8"she muttered to herself as she stared at the screen of her phone. She placed it back in her pocket and decided to feel the waters against her legs.

"Go away Aiden" She told the person standing behind her but he didn't bulge. Instead,he came to kneel at her side.

"Aiden?"He asked almost in a surprised tone.

That didn't sound like Aiden. Sure Aiden had a nice voice though sometimes,he could sound like a dying rabbit but this voice...was deeper and so nice to the ears.

She consciously turned to look at him and she was surprised to see him... again.
