Towards the Morning 2

In any other situation, he would call James crazy, but after so many things happened, Spencer couldn't rule out these possibilities. "So, you are saying there are monsters who can properly think and are sapient as well?" 

The redhead nods. Things have gotten out of hand, the attack out of nowhere inside the base, giant and sapient monsters appearing, if James is right. The day to ditch this place is coming closer and closer. "Why didn't you say something like that to Cain, K.J? Or the militaries here?"

"I think it would've alarmed people more than it is good. You can't know if the military would try to send our friends to kill these monsters or anger them. Honestly, I don't think we have the means to stop them."

Despite helping to kill a wyvern, the thing has been injured beforehand and taken out of the skies, Cain was for some reason stranger than he currently is. A foe in their best shape and with the rationality to back their strength up… no way they are winning against this type of foe.

K.J would be reckless about it… Cain not so much, but who knows what is going on inside his head nowadays. "So, why are you saying this to me, then?" Of all the people James can have access to, the metalhead is the one without any kind of power socially wise, he is as much of a "civilian" as anyone else.

James sighs loudly. "You of all people will understand why I say this: We need to get stronger. Playing soldiers and helping people are commendable actions, but we need to be stronger to do that. We all have grown used to our new powers, if it continues like that, we will become complacent."

For some reason, his friends clenched their left fist. Something must've happened between him and the sapient monsters. They need to become stronger, huh? "I think I may have an idea after all. K.J talked about a brat wanting to train and get stronger. We may learn with each other."

He has the power of electricity and brute strength too, going by what K.J said. A better sparring partner for them would need to fall out of the heavens. "James, I know what we are going to do today!"

"We are not brothers for this reference to work, Spencer." A groan leaves the metalhead's throat. Why cut the fun so shortly… it wouldn't be James if he didn't cut it short, anyway. Time to kick up the day and go find K.J.

Exiting the dorm, their friend should be in the mess hall, or talking with his soldier friend. Likely both. Walking for a few minutes, they reach the mess hall. K.J is there, with his new friend as well.

"Hey, K.J!" Spencer calls for his fake redhead friend, who raises him from his seat in confusion. It was not as crowded as the other days were, so he spotted them right after getting up. He waves for them to come to meet him, getting back to sit and resume his talking.

Going to where he is, the metalhead cut the chase short. "Hey, remember when you talked about that guy wanting to train? I and James are up for it now." For some reason, the woman— 'Mary was her name?' laughs for some reason.

"You are going to meet Major Anthony anyway as it seems, right?" A dumb grin on her face, while Kyrie facepalms, clearly exasperated for some reason. He does not get well with that Major? He didn't seem like a bad person back then…

K.J just groans, shaking his head. "It can't be helped, can it?" There must be something they aren't aware of. "Hey, Mary. Do you think Anthony is free right now? If so, let's go do that already."

Mary seems pensive. "I don't think he is exactly "free" right now, but he wouldn't mind it all that much given what we will be asking for. Let's get going." Having a friend in a somewhat important place is useful. Good thing K.J didn't spend his time aimlessly and is expanding the network. 

Mary gets up and starts to walk out of the hall. Taking her cue, they all follow her. 

Anthony and some other people, soldiers probably, are drinking beer. Today is a "day's off" for everyone, huh? "Hey Mary, gonna join us?" The major is the first to notice them getting close. "Oh? You brought quite a lot of people with you today, care to pass us the memo?"

No animosity or ill intent in his voice— as if their first "meeting" hadn't happened. "Well, these two want to train with Konrad, I thought you may know where he is." Scratching his chin, the man seems to be thinking hard about the topic.

He snapped his fingers. "I can guide you guys to his dorm. Although I don't know if he will be there or in the mood to train." Fair. Just knowing where he may be later is already helpful enough.

Cracking his shoulders, the Major starts to walk, waving his hand for them to follow him. "Alright, lads. Going to catch up with my friends here. Later we talk, okay? K.J." His friend sighs tiredly, while James stares attentively.

'Our K.J is growing.' Getting out of his shell to make new friendships. Shaking their heads, they follow the Major. 'Time to meet our new friend.' And try to make him see their side, maybe. 

After a quick walk, Anthony stops. "Here, go inside and check if Konrad is there." Waving his hand, Anthony walks out, going back to where his friends are. K.J let out a groan. There is some bad blood between them?

"Hey, Konrad! It's me, Kyrie! My friends want to train with you, are you here?" He just shouts out without a care in the world— forget growing, K.J didn't change a little! From the inside of the dorm, a brown-haired boy comes out. 

Frowning a little. Did they come at a bad time? "They want to train now? Sure, but they should've come a tad later." He held his hair. "Know what? Doesn't matter. Mister, do you want to train right now?"

"Well, if you are free, right now? You may not remember my name, I'm Spencer and this is James." The tall man just waves slowly. For a moment, the boy seems to appraise them. Calculating.

"They don't seem like much, mister. Are they going to help me become stronger…?" How dare this little piece of shit underestimate them? They just met! What metrics are he judging them with?

'I will give him a piece of my mind—' However, K.J raises his hand, as if to say he has things under control. 'You will handle that? Really? Well. Let's see how you handle things then, my friend.'

A smirk appeared on the fake redhead's lips. "Why don't you test yourself? James, care to show him our mettle? Surely you take your opinion to a hundred and eighty degrees, Konrad."

Given the cue, James steps ahead. Cracking his neck. "Do you know a place where we can train without having to worry about damage done to the property?" Always mindful. James as the first fighter will surely change the boy's perspective.

'Although I wanted to face him first. He called me weak straight to my face.' You cannot have everything you want. Patience is needed. The shithead seems to think about something.

The brat snaps his fingers with a confident smile. "I know a sports field here. We can train there." This time, the one who smiles is James. This will be quite a show to watch. Although humbling a brat is hardly satisfying.

"Lead the way, then. You know this place better than any of us." Kyrie says. "Us". He probably didn't explore the base at all, despite what is needed for him. Some things never change.

The boy shrugs, starting to walk off, electricity sparkling off around him. In response, electricity forms from his fingertips. So it is not only them who are eager for this training and battle. 

For some reason, of them, James is the one looking more towards the battle, his skin reddening a little, as heat starts to come off him. Looking back, K.J looks disinterested, not showing any sign of enjoyment towards the battle.

"Guess he still has to enjoy the adrenaline of having powers and fighting someone." He, James, and apparently, Cain… appear to enjoy the battle and powers way more than K.J, for some reason. Maybe it is the source of their powers?

Or Kyrie just doesn't like this type of stuff… "Or he is traumatized because of what he saw back in the city." The possibility of being the latter is the highest, but he doesn't want it to be true. They already suffered and will suffer much more on this road.

They will need to be strong and push through the incoming tide, otherwise, they will fall.