The third tick of a Clock

An expansive sports field is there, surprisingly empty to say the least. Like the teenager said, it would suffice for their sparring match. "How do you know this place?" K.J asks, impressed with the sight before them. Truly, how could they have lost sight of something as big as this?

The boy just shrugs. "Gotta explore the place, ya know? Being stuck in my dorm with my friends was too boring after the internet stopped working. This place will do for our train, won't it?"

James couldn't help but nod. No need to worry about collateral damage in a place as big as this one. Yet, something is amiss. "A place this big shouldn't have more people in it?" Rather than Konrad, the one who answers is Kyrie.

"They ran away after spotting us, this place had way more scents before we got here. Let me guess, you are a regular here, Konrad?" The boy smiles smugly. This was all the answer they needed. Training or playing with someone who has powers must be horrible.

Cracking his knuckles, although one should've been broken due to the fight a few days ago, James steps ahead. He is not one fond of fights, but this boy appears to be strong, if he is then the experience will benefit both of their growth.

For a moment Konrad looks startled. "We are going to fight just like that? No stretches, no warm-up, etc?" Of course not, fights can break out where you least expect them to, and so can chaotic events like the "Apocalypse" as K.J likes to call it.

They will train, and think about these things later on. "Ja." With an exasperated breath, his sparring partner just shakes his head, stepping inside the field as well. The electricity cracking around him explodes in a burst of lightning, dancing around his body.

"Hope you can forgive me for the electricity thing, it is part of my powers as well—" Taking his talk as an opening, James gives a kick to the boy's waist. He spent too much time talking, too much information he doesn't give a shit.

Raising his eyes, the boy tries to roll to the left, to avoid the attack. "I have another leg." Without a warning, gives a little jump with his leg extended, hitting the boy's ribs. His breath is taken away momentarily, while he looks exasperated.

"Shit! I control electricity too!" The energy condensates around his fist, in preparation to hit his leg. All the energy would be transferred to him, it wouldn't be a nasty damage, but would be annoying.

"No thank you." Putting more strength on his foot, he kicks the boy away, making him fall a few steps ahead of him. In a split second, a smirk appears on his face as the energy projects forward at a frightening speed as a bolt. Just like how Spencer can do—!"

As both of his feet touch the ground, James throws all of his weight to the side, barely dodging as it glazes against his shoulder, ripping and burning away that area of the T-shirt and slightly burning his skin.

His control over it is interesting, despite not throwing condensed balls of electricity around. "IS it enough or do you want to continue fighting too—" Wordlessly, the redhead giant advances, as the little damage on his shoulder starts to mend itself easily.

"I can continue. Let's resume it." The boy looks more cautious now, knowing his relentlessness. 'Good.' Otherwise, it wouldn't be a productive spar. Raising his left fist, James throws a punch at the boy's collarbone.

Electricity surges again through his body. Instead of dodging, Konrad throws a punch of his own, colliding with his fist with surprising strength. Electricity gets transferred to his fist, as the lightning user tries to win their little "contest" of strength.

Faster than he could perceive it, Konrad's other fist hit his stomach in the bullseye, transferring even more electricity there, enhancing the strength of his punch and the damage. Although this time he doesn't burn another spot in his t-shirt. 

Slowly but surely the boy's fist starts to push him back, as breathing becomes more difficult. He is not a pushover, after all. Time to take his challenge more seriously. "You are strong." James praises him, although not to the likeness of K.J, he had seen it, he is strong. 

With his free hand, James lands a sudden punch to the teenager's chest, hitting with full strength. His eyes bulge forward, as all air escapes his lungs and even the electric coating undo itself.

With both his strength and concentration broken, James' fist goes above Konrad's, hitting his shoulder, and throwing the boy to the ground. However, his sparring partner hit his stomach again, with the precision of an eagle, with even more strength than his previous blow, taking the air out of the redhead's lungs. "You are also strong. Take that!"

An energy ray is shot at point-blank range, making his muscles involuntarily relax, sapping away his strength in the process of doing so. To not completely give away, the giant punches his face, jolting himself back into action.

For a moment, the boy looks awestruck. An opportunity is found. Taking hold of Konrad's arm, James pulls him upwards, making the boy get lost for a few seconds. Without warning or telltale, he headbutts Konrad, a thud echoing near them.

Rather than get stunned or unconscious, Konrad landed on his feet, and jumped right afterward, answering in kind the headbutt: Throwing his headbutt against James' chin, hitting him with everything.

Being the giant is taken aback by such a blow, rising to the tip of his toes by the attack. That boy truly has mettle. As Konrad falls to the ground, James punches his face, making the boy fall flat on his back.

Rather than say back, Konrad gets up in a strange position: On all fours like a predatory beast, claws jumping out of his fingers, growing like the ones of a cat— or a lion in this specifically.

Time to round 2. Like the flash of a camera, the Lion boy disappears from his vision, appearing right before him. His claws are raised high to do a swipe, almost reaching him by the time they are noticed. If he dodged, the boy could just descend and attack him, the same thing to the other side. He is too close.

The only way to deal with this is to endure and counterattack. With his arms raised, James intercepts the claws with his forearms. Konrad's claws cut surprisingly deep into his flesh, being almost like shape razors in their efficacy.

Frightening, but more frightening is his endurance. 'I'm sorry.' Even if the boy has superpowers like him, what is about to happen is guaranteed to be hurtful, even for him. Without giving the boy another chance to move, James holds the lion boy's head in place.

He headbutts him once, twice, thrice, starting a series of ruthless headbuttings. Even the boy's great endurance is taken aback, clearly stunned. However, it does not hold on for long enough, as energy explodes forward out of the boy, sending James back and forcing him to drop Konrad.

'Do you have more tricks up your sleeve?' Someone with as much versatility as him shouldn't be underestimated. Blood drips from his forearms because Konrad had more ability than he assumed. 

It makes sense for his previous cockiness. The boy is truly strong. Yet, being stronger is not all that matters in a fight. "His base is a cat, lions attack the neck of their prey. He will hit me in the back."

Although claw swipes are more of a tiger territory, lions could also use that if they feel like it, but their modus operandi is different. Attack their prey's neck and break it. Rising both of his arms in a box stance, he waits for his sparring partner.

Electricity creaks and breaks in the air as the wind starts to circulate him. The boy is running in a circle. No doubt to distract him from his true intent. The same reason why he assumed a boxer stance. 'He is too durable for me to bring down with normal punches and kicks, but a rear naked choke should do the trick.'

Fool him into thinking he will continue to attack with punches and kicks. James starts to "try" and track Konrad's movements around him, in a feint to make the Lion Boy attack. As the air fills up with static energy, his sparring partner feels the "right time" to attack.

All the energy gathered at a focal point behind him, making his hair stand up high. James takes a last sharp intake of air, turning around to see the lion boy tackling forward like a lightning bolt, supercharged with energy.

Instead of trying to block, James runs forwards to meet his "enemy", who widens his eyes in disbelief. Opening his arms slightly, James moves to the side, making the tackle just glaze at him "Game over."

Without giving the boy any more chances, James wrapped his arms around the boy's neck, holding him tight and choking him in place. Noticing his predicament, Konrad tries to claw at James' arms, giving more deep cuts to it, but James ignores it.

Once again, electricity is discharged at him, but this time he won't release Konrad. Energy is released right into his flesh, running fast through his muscle fibers and trying to make him involuntarily react.

It may have worked the first few times, but not this time. Contracting his muscles and using his willpower to withstand the attacks, he keeps the rear naked choke. Blood gushes from the gushes and his body screams for him to drop Konrad, but James ignores the calls of his brain and self-preservation instincts.

There will be times when he can't obey these primal directives, times when he was to risk his life despite the odds. Better to ready himself into the mindset to face danger in a safe place, than fail his friends and everyone else when they may need him the most.

His shirt starts to burn up due to the overcharge of energy, same to the outer skin of his arms, but James doesn't release Konrad, keeping the choke tight. The strength of the electricity of the lion boy starts to wane and fade quickly, the claws retracting.

The clawing suddenly becomes quick and desperate taps. "This is enough." With a deep breath, the boy is released, falling to the ground on his knees, gasping for air. "You truly were a great sparring partner, Konrad."

Maybe choking the troll would've worked if he had some kind of rope or chain… nor that it would've been a wise choice in retrospect given its mother, but it could've worked… 'Unless it didn't need to breathe.' Then he would've been screwed.

In response to the praise, Konrad just gives a thumbs up, still gasping for air. Then, a realization struck the redhead giant. "Oh shit, my arms." Looking at them, blood still dripping out of the cuts, but they were far less serious, or just healed than he thought.

IT most likely has to do with the troll's mother's blessing, or whatever she did… "My knuckle and shoulder also healed fast…" This training session has been fruitful. "Are you okay, Konrad? I think I may have gone overboard in this training—"

"No, I… just need a bit of air. You are very strong, truly strong. I thought I, augh, could overwhelm you physically but I was wrong. I'm sorry for— thinking you two were weak." Looking at where his friends are, Spencer is nowhere to be seen, and K.J—

Looking around, his "fellow" redhead is away from them, his expression tired and his skin dangerously pale, as if inflicted by an ailment.

"There is something wrong." Without thinking twice James runs towards Kyrie. Who screams at him:

"Don't come closer! I don't feel okay, I-I feel like I am going to explode! Call for help, I—" Paying no mind, James advances. From where K.J is, a small explosion of black fire happens, consuming the form of his dear friend. "K.J!" Heeding no mind to the flames, James still advances towards the black fire.