Fair Folk 3

They walked inside the mansion. A velvet red carpet on the entrance, and elaborate curved stairs to the second floor, painted or coated in gold. A chandelier up high, shining with the faint glimmer of red candles.

The walls are made of carved and slightly golden brown treated wood, done expectedly, lustrous, and well maintained with some cut stone here and there to help maintain the foundation and walls of the mansion.

A few scattered faeries walk by, dressed in simple clothes, being "maids", probably, who keep the place. A rich interior that reflects nobility and power. Vivi didn't have a facade of nobility if this was hers, she was nobility or someone with great acquisitive power. 

Even the blood language had changed. Abandoning a neutral stance to raise a prideful and confident posture, walking straighter and more dignified, reinforcing the previously shown persona.