Fair Folk 2

Victorian clothing is not that bad to wear, if not the fact it is a woman's clothing. "This feels shameful… not as shameful as going around naked, but still." Fairies stop by to watch both him and the tall fairy leading the way go by the main street.

Many faeries are of diminutive stature, very small with round cheeks, almost childlike if not for the underlying mischief hidden in their eyes and body language.  While a few are around the size of an adult, those are few and far between the crowd, with the clear exception being the tall fairy.

The village looks like something out of a fairy tale, with stone buildings with rock pavemented floors, despite being in the middle of a forest where the ground is made of roots, markets selling mostly food, a few of them selling furniture and clothing articles. Some of them have details coated or made of copper and silvery metals.