Fair folk 1

Going through the forest doesn't prove to be as much of a problem. Filth still is one of the problems. "I need to find clothes as soon as possible…" With clothing crossing this place would be easier, despite it not being that hard to begin with.

'If only I knew how to make clothing. Wait, it wouldn't matter at all, there is no wool or cotton in this place.' This would be useless knowledge, there are no tools or materials to make clothes there, to begin with. 

Despite the myths and mysticism around forests, the sea of trees with golden glimmers of sunlight doesn't look alike. Each tree is twisted or grown in different ways, making it hard to mistake them for one another.

Recalling their shape and form is an easy task in this place. Ironically enough, the hardest thing to distinguish between places is the sunlight rays, shining at random spots with no distinction between them.