Angry Pigs

To say the fall towards the ground is anything but rough is a lie. Descending like a rock, the young man throws the sword into the ground, to avoid any unhappy accident with it. The heavy blade hits the ground first, as expected.

Right after, his body hits the ground beside the blade, cracking it against the rocky surface. A reverberation spreads through his bones, making them crack from the head to the ribs, to the tips of the toes. 

Blood rushes to his mouth, being spilled against the ground. Fairies are all douchebags, this much proves it. 'What if I died because of the fall?' It appears that the red giant failed to account for that!

Getting up from the ground, he takes the sword in his right hand, holding it tightly. Screeches come from every direction, red eyes snapping open in the darkness. The boars are all around, their forms rising from the ground, skin looking like hard rock.