Fairies' Side 1

When a friend called for a favor, she thought it would be something amicable, a feast and a pat on each other's back. Laugh about their new endeavors and just have a good time. She even got her best spices and pipe to commemorate. However, this was the most unexpected thing.

Here they stand, outside of her humble village, having to talk down a red idiot, on his knees, four hands on the ground, a bag right beside him. Shaking with shame while in a prostration. At least the gall to know the mistake is there.

In all these years, many had proposed unreasonable and stupid favors to her. Yet none is stupider than this. Bringing their village to this place… "Do you know what you did, Yraka? This… is not something easily visible, not on our condition and the state this world is in."