Chaos before the Climax

They dropped Crowe on with the survivors, after which they took off. Effectively leaving him and Yraka behind, not that it does matter in the end, this is the option they took, and the only option they would accept.

There is a monster in need of slaying there, and they won't go until it is dead, very dead. With his shoulder and sides bandaged, Kyrie cracked his neck, Wolf Prince in his hands. "So, any leads to where your feathery friend is? This will make the hunt way easier."

Wolf Prince's eyes shine bright, in anticipation of their fight. Reflecting the eager blade, Yraka's glow becomes stronger, almost like a red flashlight. "Follow the dead and their master shall appear, this simple logic is what we will use to guide us. After all, she will want to protect herself from us and tire us out in the way."