Piercing Sunlight

While Albert stays pinned down, the dead turned into minced meat slowly reconstitute themselves in a visceral display, while the ones burnt to ashes don't show signs of coming back.

Yraka's plan becomes clear; he will blow this place up with as many dead as possible. The restless horde jumps on him, instinctively moving away from the meat grinder. Even beyond the point of death, they still show some self-preservation instincts.

Even with his shoulders and side aching, Kyrie doesn't back down, swinging Wolf Prince with strength and steadfastness, cutting the dead's limbs and heads, to avoid being attacked while they are taken down.

They don't need to keep in mind damage and hurt; even if they are cut in half, they will still try to attack with their upper halves as they fall. Meanwhile, on the ground, the ones he sliced and diced into twain crawl, scratching at his pants and shoes, slowly burning away by the aura of fire.