Journey through the snow 2

"Hey, Sol, stop moving. I think I see something in the snow." The "steps" of his house hollowed, the ground beneath its hands softer and less stable. His sixth sense and ears felt something wrong where Soleater walked.

The ground was not as firm as the rest, it was kind of frail as if the wrong movement could collapse it. It was a feeling Kyrie felt before, or better yet, Yraka had felt, and alerted him to it.

'Like that time.' The house obeyed its owner's orders without hesitation, halting its pace to stand still. Kyrie jumps out of the top of his house. He hits the ground at full strength as the snow before him crumbles into powdery puffy white dust.

It wasn't sunken and buried in many layers of snow like the previous ruins he explored months ago. It was just a couple of feet in the snow, the heavy and powerful motions of Soleater already weakened the dust.