Within Society - Other side

Elias considered himself to be a weathered man, fifteen years in the military and counting. Yet, a young man and girl had the worst of auras he had ever had the displeasure of meeting. Not that they were evil, but he knew the stench of blood.

Those two had the smell of carnage over them. He didn't know what could lead someone to have this smell over them, but he knew they had gone through some trials to earn this displeasure smell.

Not even the supernatural inside the Haven had this smell. 'What are you two?' These were his first thoughts when he laid eyes on the pair. They were different, more like barbarians than survivors of ruined cities.

They carried weapons and rafts with supplies. They didn't trust anyone. Those two could only part ways with their weapons when dead. The girl was overeager to fight to the death, although the boy, fitting to his demeanor, was calmer and composed.