Within Society 2

Elias didn't question him further. They proceeded in silence. Zillia took in every sight and fleeting view of the city with gusto and wonder. She engraved the ephemeral visage of humans' day-to-day life after the apocalypse.

Kyrie gazed at the same view as her, his mind clouded by what he had seen. Even after the apocalypse, they were living their lives. They weren't all happy or content with their predicament, but they had a place to live. A place to go to, and others.

Once he was separated from Yraka, from Mary, what did he have? What place did he have left? He was alone, in the storm. Without a way to contact anyone, unaware of what caused him to meet such an end, forgotten and abandoned by everyone else.

It was crushing. Although heartwarming to know Hel always was by his side, Hel still was a goddess of death, the mistress of Helheim. Only death stood by his side when no one else was there.