Money made in shade 1

Zillia woke up and went up to do her daily morning routine. 'She was surprisingly chill with adhering to that part of a human's routine.' There were many things Zillia hated with a passion, anything beyond raw meat and fruits.

Any kind of beverages that were not water, or half water half fruit. She was picky about what she liked about human society, and it came as a surprise she had nothing ill or bad to say about human daily hygiene rituals.

'I'm glad for that…' Given how bloodied she liked to become in their sparring sessions, it came as a blessing she was conscious enough to clean the blood off her body by herself and without anyone speaking for her to do it.

Kyrie was a little happy that he and Zillia wouldn't be sparring for quite a while, and he was free from her insane training schedule from dawn to dusk. He too wanted to become strong, but the only one happy at the end of those sparrings was Zillia.