Money made in shade 2

The upper floors were way less vivid and energetic than the lower ones. People seemed more hunched and indifferent to each other, likely due to the lack of many stores and facilities, and the absence of the luxuries found on the lower floors.

The upper floors were left in such a poor state that Kyrie felt a little bad about them, and how the people there lived. As someone who had near-zero luxuries by human standards, Kyrie understood them to a degree.

While he still had it better than them, Soleater had been the best thing to happen to him since the crash at the edge of the world. Zillia was there too, but she had her moments where she acted like a hurricane with legs.

On a bad day, Zillia made his head hurt as much as a bad mood of the blizzard or an overly complex problem Kyrie couldn't solve. Being near the bear was both a blessing and a curse. She was strong and wise, but reckless and short-sighted.