Realities' Clash Final (Yraka's side)

The prince knees on the ground, his sword piercing the ground, his breath ragged, his eyes losing the light previously in them, all energy exhausted from his body. He used all of his fumes, there was nothing left to maintain him and keep his mind awake beyond his determination and resilience.

Because of it, two shadows exited through a tunnel, a fast one with a dagger aimed at the Prince's neck, and one trying to stop the first shadow. As the dagger-wielding shadow got close to the Prince, it was his cue to break out and show he was there finally.

His strength remained, and his power was still unmatched. From his crystal cocoon, he broke free, his massive form meeting Kyrie, enveloping three arms around him while the fourth brought out a spear and swung it against the first shadow.