The Impending Storm 1

Kyrie felt his whole body heavy like a stone, his eyes struggling to open, a sensation of frailty running across his being. It was like when he woke up in the middle of nowhere with no one by his side, on a desolate earth with only snow to keep him company.

The memory was enough to spring his body into full wakefulness. "Aah." He grunts in pain, his head stinging and throbbing in great pain, the back of his eyes liberating excruciating agony to his nervous systems, not that his limbs were any better.

He felt their insides hurt and feel like jello, every single spot of himself was hurting. Kyrie struggled to look around, the pain fogging his brain. All he saw was the familiar warmth and layout of Soleater. He was not in the middle of nowhere at least.