The Impending Storm 2

Maremalle was on the sofa of the living room, an open bottle of raw booze in her hand. She stared at the ceiling, her face crooked in an empty sadness. Zillia was gone like that, for one hour, she was by her side, and on the other she was lying dead on Soleater's head.

She knew death could reap anyone at any moment, but the heaviness and price of a lost life still were imprinted in her heart. She couldn't look away or ignore it like Ingrid and her uncle could. 'Damn it, mom.' Zillia died happy doing what she wanted to do.

It was better than most could ask for, yet the empty spot she left inside the house and the little community they have going could already be felt. "She was a unique person." A dumb bear with a bloodthirsty tendency and anger management problems, but unique.