The Song of the End 4

War continued to rage in the city. Soleater ran through the debris, biting off whole chunks of Valkyrie's formations with his teeth and crushing them against his claw, those unfortunate enough to end inside his mouth were quickly devoured and swallowed by him.

Transformed in more energy to fuel itself and bring more power for him to push through the winged foes. They tried to damage him, throwing spears, swords, or even their basic, but little did they know that their power, the power of Odin… was attained from Yggdrasil.

And it was made from the same bark of the world tree's roots and body, covered in it. The magic of Odin did naught to the bark creature, and its bark was too sturdy to be damaged before spikes were made off it and impaled the Valkyries, bringing their corpses inside of it and feeding off it.