The Song of the End 5 (Kyrie's side)

Kyrie watched the combat unfold before his eyes. In a second, all hell had been unleashed upon the land. In a few moments, their initial attack meant to halt the Valkyrie's advance had crumbled away alongside the mobile city.

The buildings on top of it were destroyed in a second, and there was nothing they could do to help it, a Valkyrie had managed to self-detonate herself, how? Kyrie hadn't a concise answer to this, but given Ouro's demeanor when she was near death… it meant that Valkyrie had managed to push through any sense of self-preservation to achieve "victory".

Buildings fell apart as the Valkyries used their runes to invoke destruction and make it clash against the defenders of the mobile city, making their attempts at stopping the battlemaidens nothing but futile as their lives slipped by their hands.