The Song of the End 7 (Yraka's side)

Yraka ripped across the battlefield like a tornado of blades, his hands changing between arms in seconds, changing what was at his hand to catch a Valkyrie out of guard, or counter-attack and gain a free exploit on their defenses.

Yraka's "eyes" moved around the V-shaped crevice on its "face", analyzing the patterns of the Valkyries. For all of their strength and experience, they lacked the soul, and skill, to challenge him. 'Odin is getting sloppy if all he can do is send those subpar creatures.'

They are pitifully weak, more than he would have imagined before, yet it could be attributed to his greater strength and attributes after a "long nap". 'The world is also changing, becoming a ripple for their plans.' It had granted a small fraction of his true strength back.