The Song of the End 8 (Ingrid's side)

Ingrid moved her eyes to stare at a direct explosion of Odin's power, as the divine spear flew towards the horizon, towards the branch of Yggdrasil that had been cut from its body. At the center of the explosion was Yraka, in a far more battered state than she expected him to be.

Without two of his arms, one of his legs, and a hole opened on his torso. "A Saturday wound I see." Yraka resumes his battle, fighting the Valkyries as if nothing happened. She was curious as to why he had Gungnir, Odin's spear, with him, but it was a question for later.

As of now, she had better fish to fry. She moved her staff, dilacerating the Valkyries with space rifts. It was quite heavy and unresponsive in comparison to the time she used it to displace an entire city's worth of weight and area.