Avoidance. We ended up not talking about the whole flinching situation while watching Big Hero 6 which was fantastic. Emma fell asleep while we were watching, and I ended up carrying her up to her room. I knew that Collin wanted to say something, but I'm pretty sure halfway through the movie he completely forgot. After the movie, we still had time before Marissa got home. It was around 8:30, so Collin had the brilliant idea of twenty questions with a twist. Whatever question was asked, the person asking had to respond too. So, it was basically like forty questions.
They started off easy with lightning speed. I went first so I asked an easy question I knew I could answer: Favorite Color? Collin: lime green, Me: black and red.
Favorite place ever visited: Me: Florence, Italy (which was the last family trip we took way back when everything was normal... But I obviously didn't say that.) Collin: His grandparents' cabin on Lake Winnebago, which he could visit whenever he wanted.