So this story happened about 11 years ago, I was a senior in high school at the time, but it is the single most mind boggling thing that I have ever experienced.
It's also important to note that it happened in mid December. I am from Iowa, and the winters here get cold at night, like if you get stuck outside you will die kind of cold. That plus the snowfall makes everything dead silent, you can hear anything and everything inside the house and even immediately outside of it.
Well me and my best friend were hanging out in my family's walkout basement, just having a boring winter night playing video games, we were also the only ones home. The reason it was just us is because my mother went from work straight to a bar to grab a few drinks with co-workers, so me and my friend thought it would be a good idea to break into the family wine and live a little.
As we were sitting there opening up the first bottle I hear the door to the garage open and slam shut, I immediately go oh shit and start looking for places to hide the bottle, my friend then say's "I thought you said your mom was supposed to be out all night?" "She was" I replied. I then heard a few heavy stomps and hear my mother yell out "Meowsandboo? Anyone home?" I yell back up the stairs "yup! Just hanging out in the basement". I hear a few more steps move from the garage door towards the stairs and she yells out again "Can you come help me with something, I need you up here!" I reply back while frantically trying to find a good place to hide the wine bottle "yup! Give me just a minute!" Then there was silence for for about 20 seconds. "Anyone down there with you?" She yelled back in a more concerned serious tone, in a voice that was slightly off of my mothers. This was the first thing that told me something wasn't right, our family NEVER cared if anyone was over, as our house was a very open house to all family and friends, and the voice, it was just wrong, like it sounded like my mother's, but it was missing something that I couldn't out my finger on. Weirded out I reply back "Just Colton!" After I yelled that back to her I found a good place to hide the bottle and began walking up the steps to the next level.
Now as I was walking up the steps I couldn't help but FEEL the overbearing silence of the house, and the slight electric twinge that something isn't right. When I got to the top of the steps I look over to where the door to garage is and also the kitchen right next to it and its black, pitch black, all if the lights were off, and there was no moon light shining through any windows. I walked over to the kitchen yelling out "mom! Where are you?" There was no reply, just silence and darkness. I feel the electric twinge turn into full needles, and my adrenaline kicking in full force, I have to get out of here as fast as possible. My mother was not home.
I run back down the stars grabbing my coat along the way. "What's wrong?" Colton says, "My mom's not home" I reply as fast as I can, looking for my truck keys. "What do you mean? You were just talking with her?" I could see the confusion in his face. "Theres no one home, we need to leave now." I took a few steps towards the back door that opens up to the yard and then I see my dog shaking on the couch, and my cat growling behind it.
I couldn't leave them, I just knew that if we left something would happen. "Are we leaving?" Colton said, still confused as all hell. "No, I can't leave them here alone, something is really off, I'm going to call my mom and figure this out" I pull out my phone and call my mom, she picks up immediately "meowsandboo? What's going on?" She answers. "Mom were you just home, I heard you yelling for me from the second level and when I went up you weren't there?" I said frantically, hoping that she was playing a joke. "No I'm just leaving the bar, I wasnt feeling very well, are you ok? what do you mean you heard me?" I fill her in on the whole story and she rushes home, Colton and I stayed in the basement with the animals until she got home, but before she did you could hear SOMETHING up stairs, not walking or sitting on things, but a pressure in the air, like a black hole was slowly moving from one room to the next, and the word that I would instinctively describe it as is hungry.
When she got home you could feel the thing leave just as quick as it came, like an overbearing predatory presence had just flown away. We still have never figured out what the hell was going on, and this is just one story of many unexplainable things that have happened to us, but this is the easiest to write down, and one that I was happy to have a witness.
My mother has passed away now, and I have moved away to Arizona, but whenever I go back to Iowa and I see Colton he still gets creeped out by what had happend. I will never truelly know what happened, but I know that whatever it was that had my mother's voice, it was evil, and it was hungry.