This is probably the creepiest, most unexplainable thing that has ever happened to me. I used to work overnight as a security guard at the local port. Usually none of the port workers would stay over night except for the safety official. I wouldn't be on the shift alone since the site has a radius of nearly 2 miles.
Overnight, usually there would be 3 guards, including me. Since the area was fairly big, there were different posts but "front gate" was the main entrance area where all of the guards would be stationed overnight since there was no need to put them in other posts due to the fact that there was no activity in the site at this time.
The veteran guards that have been there for years would often say that the site was haunted, given the fact that there have been accidents and deaths that occurred in the area a long time ago. I was aware that people died there due to freak accidents, and I do believe in angels and demons since I'm actually a religious person; but I always thought that the superiors were just messing with the new guys.
I would work 5 to 6 nights out of the week, and for the first few weeks, I never really saw or heard anything out of the ordinary, except for maybe a few questionable creeks and would see a few misplaced objects while doing my patrol rounds; but nothing too crazy. Just to describe the setting to you, this is a fairly big site and on occasions when there were big projects being constructed at the port, the workers would sometimes stay overnight. Due to the fact that there were times where port workers were required to stay at the port for a few days, there's a gym in the site for their convenience.
This gym is fairly old. In the gym there's a sauna, weights, and even a racquetball court. If you don't know what a racquetball court is, it's similar to an indoor tennis court with thin plastered walls and thick glass doors. Usually on our patrol rounds me and one of the other guards, mike, would stop by the gym and play a few rounds of racquetball before returning back to the front gate. On one of of those nights, me and mike decided to hit a full workout instead of playing racquetball in the cage.
This is around 2:30 a.m. and the entire building is so quiet that you can hear the electricity running through the lights. The air conditioner is off, and so is everything else. The only thing that's running are the lights. 15 to 20 minutes into the workout, we hear a loud thump. We crossed it off as nothing and continued working out.
Then after a few more minutes, we heard the loud thump once more. At first we thought it was our lieutenant, which could've been walking around, but then we radioed him and he gave us his location, which was, "front gate". We tried thinking logically on what could be making those thumps on the wall. They were coming from the court on the other side. We thought it was the air conditioner but then we remembered that it was off and even when it's switched on during the day, there's no reports of thumps coming from the air conditioner. After a few more minutes, the thumps started occurring one right after another.
We were very creeped out at this point, but what we were about to witness still scares the absolute shit out of me til this day. We started to approach the other side of the gym to where the glass door was. We turned on the flashlight and aimed it towards the clear glass door and I got chills all over my body and I started tearing so much out of fear that I was about to cry.
We saw one of the balls rolling slowly by itself inside the court, but there was no one in there. So that means the loud thumps were the balls mysteriously being tossed against the wall as if someone/something was playing inside the cage. We were both so confused and frightened to how this was really happening; we couldn't make sense of any of it. We were scared shitless and we started yelling and running away because we knew that there was probably something evil toying with us right there.
As we sprinted full speed back to the front gate, the lieutenant saw us and asked why we were tearing and running in a ridiculous manner. We told him what we witness and his facial expression scared us even more, he then said, "that's why there's always guards that quit often, there's something evil in the area. And it's not the first time that something that bad has happened here." He then showed us security footage of dark figures and shadows literally passing through the office areas and lights mysteriously switching on and off.
Til this day, I still get chills recounting my experience with my friends and family; and I'm even getting chills right now as I'm typing this. I had never had a real encounter with the supernatural until that night. Many say that it was a demonic presence messing around, others say it was a ghost of a dead person who died in the area. I don't know what it was, but I didn't last long in the job after that.