Chapter 33 : "Help Me, I'm Lost"

I was living in a rural area in Oklahoma with my mother at a small lake house and I'm probably 10-11 at this time. One night I'm sleeping in my room when I randomly and abruptly wake up for no reason. This was not normal for me and I felt very uneasy. The only sound I could hear was my mother snoring in the next room on the couch. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but my need to use the bathroom was growing more urgent, so I grudgingly forced myself to head that way.

The bathroom is on the other side of the house, around a corner and past the the kitchen and finally down a long hallway on the right. So after I made the trip and finished my business, I flipped off the light switch and started heading back to bed. That's when I heard the distinct click of the light switch, and I saw the glow of the bathroom light in the hallway.

Terrified I slowly turned around just to witness the light in the bathroom start clicking on and off. Click, click, click, click, click, click. Finally it shut completely off. In the dark of the hallway my eyes began to make out a white shape near the end of the hall, it was around my size and crouched to the floor. At this point I'm frozen to the spot as my mind begins realizing that no one else is home except for my mom and myself. Then the white shape began whispering in a quiet man's voice, "Help me. I'm lost."

I remember wanting to scream for my mom but I couldn't, and instead I barely said, "No.." before this thing starts running at me on what sounded like all fours. I quickly ran through the kitchen and around the corner before running to my sleeping mother shaking her awake. I remember saying, "It's coming, It's coming!" and my mother's eyes going from dazed to alert in an instant, she asked me what was going on and I saw her eyes look over my shoulder before she screamed.

Remembering her scream still makes my blood run cold, never had I heard pure terror like that in my life, even to this day. She grabs me by the arms and pulls me into my room and slams the door. She holds me in her arms with her back pressed against the door as we listen. It sounded like this thing was running around in circles in the kitchen, we could hear hands and feet slapping against the tile. The kitchen had a sliding glass door to the outside, which sounded like it was thrown open then slammed. We sat there horrified until daybreak.

I was sent to my grandmothers in the next town for awhile after that and never set foot in that house again. Years later my mother said she went walking around the property after the incident and came across a small burial site with 3 headstones that each belonged to children from the early 1900's. It freaks me out because what I heard that night was a mans voice but it was so unnatural.

My mom still will not tell me what she saw behind me, and what it was that made her scream. She tells me she's afraid it will know we're talking about it and it will come back. This is the first of many weird things that have happened in my life.