
We finally arrive home, Luna's home. 

I don't wait for her to speak before I aim for my room. She doesn't come with me, rather she lets me have my space. I lay on the bed after having a bath.

All I do is think of all the pain I've endured throughout my life, plus the unbearable pain of having to lose her.

I still find it difficult to digest the fact that she was alive. 

She had survived, she had saved me. Luna had come even when she didn't remember me. She could still feel my presence like the normal days we had.

Soon, I drift into a deep slumber with thoughts of having to lose her again. I couldn't let that happen, I refuse to let them win again.


The next morning, the sky was bright and clear compared to yesterday. I get out of bed and go take a shower.

I make my way out of the room but come face to face with a teary eyes Luna.

I rush to her side, wrapping my hands around her on instinct. "What's wrong?" I ask her pulling her closer to  me.

She looks up and stares directly into my golden brown eyes, "she... they killed her..." she says amidst sobbing. I knew she was talking about. Her mother, they had killed her. I pull her into my chest as she sobs harder. My blue black hair falling to my face.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." I whisper into her ears through gritted teeth.

She looks up at me with swollen eyes and stares at me with confusion in her beautiful crystal eyes.

I force an evil smirk on my lips, just to reduce her stress even though she could see through it easily.

"I think its time to pay my brothers a visit." I add with venom.