
Luna just stares blankly at me, then she breaks down and hugs me tighter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you earlier, but please don't leave me and go away. If something happens to you..." I stop her sentence midway, with a finger over her lips.

"I will come back to you the same way I did before, just stay safe until I return." I say, placing a hand against her cheek. The more I stared into her eyes the more angry I became.

She holds my hand, and rubs it even thought its against her cheek. "Are you sure you won't need my help?" she asked me, concern flickering in her eyes.

I shake my head in disapproval.

"no, you giving my back my memories and restoring my powers as well as health is more than enough for me right now. Just promise me you'll stay safe no matter how long I'm away until I return." I say looking into her eyes for an answer.

She nods slowly, and her reply nearly breaks me apart.

"I'll wait for you even if it takes an eternity for you to return to me." she says to me with a small reassuring smile. My heart nearly broke.

I swear I'll kill them all for this. I get up and make my way out of the house after kissing her forehead.

"Stay safe.." I whisper, before running off with Austen following suit.


After much wondering, I find myself staring at a bronze gate. Knowing fully well what awaited me once I entered into the gate.

I step in with one thought in my mind.


For everything I've lost.

'Get ready brothers, I'm coming.'