The Sleeping Demon

It's natural that someone like Elion couldn't see through Gilgamesh's combat style, as it was forged in his battles when he rebelled against the gods. During his life as Emperor of humanity, there were few warriors explicitly sent to eliminate him who surpassed him in swordsmanship.

It should be understood that with a single glance of his eyes, Gilgamesh learned Elion's weaknesses, his fighting style, the strength of his blows, and what he needed to do to eliminate him without much effort.

If one were to ascend what he could predict, regardless of whether he had to use the Babylon Gate, he would do so with all his might, as in the ancient war he had learned not to underestimate the messengers of the gods.

"I will kill you..." Despite his tattered body, broken bones, and mangled flesh, due to Elion's intense determination, he could still move his right hand. Beneath his belt, two slender daggers appeared in his hands and flew towards Gilgamesh's heart.

Elion had an incredible physique because he began training as far back as he could remember, which is why he was only a few years away from being considered one of the strongest within his rank. The pair of hidden daggers in his clothing was his last resort; he couldn't do more than that after receiving a beating from someone he considered inferior.

Thud! Thud!

Gilgamesh's sword in his hand deflected the daggers, anticipating Elion's intentions.

"If you want to die quickly!" Gilgamesh said this in a cold tone.

Upon seeing the daggers deflected, he swiftly grabbed them with his hands and hurled them towards Elion.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

These same two daggers pierced Elion's shoulders and firmly pinned him to the ground, immobilizing his body.

Gilgamesh continued to strike Elion's body over and over again, feeling angry that this man had resorted to such a dishonorable move.

"That's enough!" At that moment, Ragnar could no longer bear to witness this bloody and ferocious scene. He leaped into the Coliseum arena and stopped the battle.

Gilgamesh looked at him and said in a questioning tone, "Now what, Ragnar? Since I defeated a Sword King, I didn't plan on an Emperor of the Sword deciding to join the fight."

"Young prince, you've already proven to be as strong as a Sword King, so from now on, that will be the title you deserve." Ragnar was taken aback by Gilgamesh's confidence, so he immediately clarified what he meant.

Gilgamesh stepped away from Elion, looked at Ragnar, and then said, "What would you do if a Sword King had bone-deep intentions to kill you?"


"I was going to let him live, but..." After saying that, Gilgamesh's right hand, holding his cursed sword, glowed in a crimson hue, and numerous blood cuts flew towards Elion's body.

These cuts pierced through Elion's body, cutting him into several pieces. The energy cuts that hit the ground created a rain of blood.

"That's how problems are ended!"

Elion, the bone-crushing Sword King, had died in combat against the fourth prince, Gilgamesh Asura. No one could react for a long time, and the silence was so suffocating.

"Now that you're finished, it would be an honor to have a private conversation with you!" Ragnar bowed slightly and then looked at the crowd. "The battle is over, the winner is the prince Gilgamesh Asura, the youngest Sword King in the history of humanity."

"Well done, prince!"

"Incredible swordsmanship!"



"It's been a long time since I felt this sensation..." Gilgamesh looked at all those who praised him, some were unaware of what had happened here, and others cheered out of fear.

That's how life was; the losers were trampled upon, and the winners wrote their own version of events accepted by all. Gilgamesh didn't care about this because he had never lost. So, after looking at Elion's lifeless body, he addressed the crowd, "My desire is to explore the world, so I plan to create a group to accompany me on this journey and in other exciting battles. If you're interested, don't forget to come and see me, and I promise you'll be ten times stronger than you are now."

Ragnar looked at Gilgamesh and gestured for him to accompany him. The more he looked at this young prince, the more fear he felt. This ten-year-old child was too terrifying.

The room Gilgamesh entered was a special one at the top of the Coliseum, the most luxurious in this place. People of high status usually watched the tournaments from this location, and it was an important gathering point for those of high social status.

Of course, Simón or any other knights couldn't enter as Ragnar had prevented it, and only Gilgamesh entered alongside him.

At that moment, there were very powerful knights in the hallway leading to that room who looked at the prince Gilgamesh with a look full of respect.

Compared to the other two princes, Gilgamesh's future was very promising, as he was one of the strongest within the royalty.

"Since ancient times, there have been very powerful beings, and even today, there is a God who walks our world without being stopped."

Saying this, Ragnar looked at Gilgamesh and continued, "The Seven Great Powers... When the Second Great Human-Demon War came to an end, a person known as the Technique God came up with the name. At that time, the Technique God was considered one of the strongest people in the world. The Technique God selected six more people and declared them the strongest in the world."

"The title of the Seven Great Powers was well-known until the Laplace War. All of the original Seven Powers participated in the Laplace War, except for the Technique God. Among them, three were killed, one disappeared, and another was sealed. The Dragon God was the only one who emerged from the war with an unchanged state of life."

"After hundreds of years, with the newcomers taking their place and the top four in an unknown state for the people, the title fell out of use." Ragnar didn't explain the reasons for saying this now; he simply began speaking without pause.

Gilgamesh understood Ragnar's intentions; this man who had met the strongest of his time was very observant, so he believed that the true Gilgamesh's identity had been taken by someone else.

"An interesting story. I suppose the human king of your time wasn't very intelligent, or the human side was weak. But if I were king, I would have made sure that the human race completely eliminated those who were their enemies."

Gilgamesh was not lying when he said this because as the King of Humanity, he marked a before and after for humans who regarded the gods as religious figures. He commanded all humans in the world, united all the divine beasts, and banished the beliefs that had been forged in the hearts of humans.

The war against the beings created by the gods to eliminate them was tough and very long. Therefore, he knew firsthand what it meant to wage a war against two different species.

"You speak as if you have no idea," Ragnar said as he moved his hand and rested it on the hilt of his sword. Historical records show that humans were indeed at a disadvantage; there were no such opportunities to do what you're suggesting, as everyone would have tried it."

"I have limited knowledge of history, but if I were king, I would make that decision. In war, one must win, even if it means crushing the offspring of demons with their own hands," Gilgamesh recalled how he had let enemies go, only for them to become his enemies later.

"The strength you possess is impossible at the age of ten, so let me ask you a question," Ragnar looked at Gilgamesh and finally asked the question that had been bothering him, "Are you the incarnation of some kind of hero or warrior?"

"Hahaha!" Gilgamesh burst into laughter when he heard this question. He had never imagined that in this world, reincarnation or incarnation could be a common occurrence, which meant it had happened or could happen.

After finishing laughing, Gilgamesh looked at Ragnar and replied, "Believe me, I wouldn't be this weak if that were the case. I am not the incarnation of any hero or being from 500 years ago. I'm not even a God; I'm just a simple human who will travel the world and crush those who stand in my way."

Gilgamesh got up and walked toward the door. "The only thing you need to know is that I am Gilgamesh Asura. I will take what I please from this world, as it is rightfully mine, and those who dare to stand in my way will be eliminated."

"I understand. I apologize for the inconvenience, prince Gilgamesh." Ragnar clenched his fists and bid farewell to Gilgamesh.