I Am Gilgamesh

The adults and instructors at the Water God Style Academy who watched Gilgamesh walk by without acknowledging them felt both annoyed and inspired.

Annoyed because it was obvious they had been training longer than Gilgamesh, and yet he was so strong that he fought a King with a sword without even getting injured. It was clear that talent always triumphed over hard work, no matter how hard they tried, they could never reach that level.

If the fourth prince were someone well-known in the capital and at the Water God Style Academy, it would be a bit more acceptable. However, he seemed to have never trained with the same intensity as others.

Gilgamesh couldn't blame them for these thoughts, as his blood was two-third divine and the rest human. Nevertheless, if there was something that weakened him, it was the fact that he was human and would eventually die when his age reached its limit, if he wished it to be so.

If he wished it?

That's correct, because when his best friend died, he traveled the world to obtain the fruit of immortality, and this fruit was in his Gate of Babylon, stored with other precious treasures he had collected from around the world.

He could eat it and become immortal, maybe prepare a precious elixir that would give him a longer lifespan than that of humans and demons to live alongside his future wife. That would be an incredible wedding gift, although it differed from his sense of being human and living life.

"After what happened today, what are your plans regarding the last thing you said? I really doubt that recruiting followers is necessary, as you could simply request royal resources for whatever you want to do." Simon asked while walking beside him to stay informed.

"Obviously, I can't make use of royal force because it's filled with noble families who might belong to one of the three factions vying for my father's throne, so I want to avoid dealing with that kind of trash," Gilgamesh replied.

Gilgamesh naturally couldn't explain everything he intended to do with this matter, so he could only deal with some initial issues before his journey began. As a man who didn't usually like to get his hands dirty with every problem that arose, he wanted to assemble a close-knit group that would follow his orders without any specific purpose in mind.

As a king who ruled during what he considered the Golden Age of humanity, he knew that if he wanted to achieve certain things, they should be left to loyal followers willing to follow him without any particular agenda.

However, as the King of Uruk, he possessed considerable power, which had been bestowed upon him by the gods to lead humans on the path to divinity. But when the gods began their atrocities, he led a war to eliminate all trace of their existence and pave the way for human belief, in man, woman, and child.

Since then, he never wanted to have anything to do with any gods who only looked out for their divinity and their own interests. The path of humanity must be written by humans and not by gods, that must be the case until one dies.

Of course, he knew there were gods in this world, but their presence and influence on humans were somewhat more reserved. None really had a significant impact on humanity, and he hoped it would stay that way, as he would have to eliminate the remaining gods so that he could finally live a normal life as a human and not as the Emperor of humanity.

Later, he would choose one or two wives to marry and live with for a few years. To die as a human and enjoy the prospect of feeling familial love. His life would no longer be so bloody; after all, his war with the gods and the warriors sent to kill him had ended.

"Who will be the diamond worthy of having me as a husband?" Gilgamesh smiled and walked toward the waiting carriage.

After receiving the title of Sword King and having everyone witness his strength for themselves, Gilgamesh no longer had any intention of entertaining rivals or engaging in duels, as he believed that his strength would deter most who were interested in ending his life.

"Your father must be very proud of your great achievement; I'm sure he'll summon you soon upon hearing of your personal accomplishments." Simon said with a wide smile, but Gilgamesh wasn't interested in meeting a figure who should consider him a father.

"I don't remember having a father, so I'm not interested in a conversation with someone like him. Since I want nothing and need nothing from him, I'd rather travel the world and live on a farm." Gilgamesh said this suddenly but then retracted and said, "In a palace away from all annoying people, yes, that's what I should do."

Of course, Simon believed that money was important, and that was something Gilgamesh didn't have. Unaware that he could make money just by breathing, and that he stored precious jewels, diamonds, gold, and many other things in his Gate of Babylon that he could auction or sell to get money.

"Come to think of it, it would be good to get in touch with an auction house and start one myself. I'd name it Uruk, Uruk Auction Houses." Gilgamesh said, suddenly thinking of something.

Simon closed his eyes and said nothing more. From finding a wife to having an auction house in his name, Prince Gilgamesh began to drift back and forth as if his life were too short to decide what to do.

"Simon, tomorrow, bring me the names of the auction houses in the capital, from the wealthiest and most influential to the poorest. We could make a lot of money and expand our influence worldwide." Gilgamesh looked out of the carriage window and smiled slightly.