An Unexpected Visit

"No one should disturb me until dinner time, if possible, I'd like to eat in my room." Gilgamesh said as he entered his only sanctuary away from the world.

Upon hearing Gilgamesh's wishes, Simon nodded and said, "I'll inform the butler. See you tomorrow, my prince."

As he closed the door, Gilgamesh walked in silence slowly toward the bed, lay down, and sighed deeply. He had done something that would likely reach every corner of the central continent, hoping that the usual problems he faced would disappear as a result.


A few hours later, Gilgamesh found himself in a dream. He was witnessing one of the many battles he had fought in his revolution to establish human dominance over the gods.

But what was curious was that after that, cold waters flooded the surroundings of his dreams, imprisoning his entire body, and a vague scene from his first life appeared right before him.

That day when he died at the hands of a beast while saving someone else. If you were to ask him now, he wasn't regretful, in fact, he never was. He always took responsibility for his actions and responded with complete honesty to his most human desires.

Since the first time he died, those memories had been slowly erased, there was nothing left of them in his new life as Gilgamesh, and he found it hard to believe that this could be just a dream since there was nothing from his first life that he regretted.

"What is this?" Lowering his gaze, he felt a little disoriented as he saw the body of a child he had completely forgotten, and upon seeing it, the memories of that intense battle with that rabid creature were so vivid that he clenched his teeth with uncontrollable fury.

"Who dares to play with my memories!" Those were Gilgamesh's first words upon seeing himself in his first human body, recalling the helplessness of dying in the claws of a creature and feeling that pain that had invaded him as he bled on the ground filled him with rage.

Never before had he experienced such dreams in all the years he had lived as Gilgamesh. So, he immediately linked this event to an external source of power. He couldn't even remember his own face, the disfigured face of his first life in that battle he unfortunately lost.

He had never lived with regrets before, so there was no way he could feel any kind of sorrow for his failures and defeats. With all his strength, he tried to wake up or move, swearing that whoever was behind all this would die by his own hands and be erased from any reality.

He could feel his memories fading, something akin to being chained by a mysterious power that he could detect, so he knew what was happening. Kneeling in a white world, he remained motionless, not moving a single muscle, still clenching his teeth so tightly that they began to crack.

Just as he was about to slit his throat in an attempt to die and awaken in his own reality, his numb senses detected a strange person in this white world.

The features of the person's face were almost non-existent, except for a huge mocking smile; no other feature caught his attention enough to leave any impression.

Immediately, Gilgamesh cataloged him as the culprit of what was happening to him, so he looked at him without any emotion on his face, as if this being who had visited him were just another insect he had encountered throughout his life.

That charismatic aura of that being Gilgamesh had sensed in divine beings like God's messengers or even the gods themselves who communicated with him.

A damn God!

"Well, it seems this is the first time we've met. Greetings, Iya..."

"My name is Gilgamesh!" Gilgamesh's calm gaze showed no fear, depression, or full of thoughts of doubt. His eyes, still fixed on this being with a neutral voice, didn't waver, as if learning every detail of this being would give him some advantage in what was happening to him.

"Gilgamesh? I'm sure that's your second name!"

"No matter what you call me, what matters here are the words that will come out of your damn mouth before I decide what I'll do from now on." A bloody tone overflowed in Gilgamesh's words, as if he had seen all the intentions of this being.

"I didn't expect any less from you, you adapted in just a few seconds..."

Gilgamesh smiled openly, without considering for a second the current appearance of his body.

"What is a God doing visiting my dreams?"

"I'm impressed that you recognized me. It's no wonder you're the killer of gods, the one who was once the emperor of humanity."

"I see, in this world, there are indeed gods with such authority... I wonder where you hide and what your twisted desires are." Gilgamesh's last action would be to trust a God; in fact, if he had the chance, he would have torn this figure apart using all his strength.

"Of course, you better than anyone know the gods since you're a child of them, or rather a tool."

"Yes, but I am different from the ones you know. I am one of the Gods in this world, and my name is Hitogami, the Human God."

"God of humanity?" Gilgamesh mocked as if he had heard the biggest joke of his life, and a thick murderous intent emanated from his body. That chilling golden aura was released without reservation, and his words were as cold as if they belonged to death itself. "If you know me, you must know that I killed all authority of the gods in humans, so you must have a lot of confidence to appear before me with such audacity and thoughts of superiority."

"Of course, I expected that reaction... But you must listen to me. I have no authority in the human world. In fact, my existence cannot enter the world where you are now," Hitogami said with a wide, arrogant smile.

"That changes things..." Gilgamesh muttered to himself.

"What changes things? What do you mean?"

"It's not relevant..."

"I know a lot about you; I've been watching you since you woke up in this world, and the things you've accomplished are very impressive. You've had a life filled with blood, so it's only normal that in this life, you live more peacefully."

"I know your only desires are to live as a human, so I can protect you." Hitogami extended his hands as if he had control of the conversation.

"Protect me? I don't need any being, let alone a God, to protect me! You've already exposed your damn face by trying to intimidate me using my body from my first life before my death as a means to oppress me, but I want you to know that in any of my lives, I've lived and died as someone much better than a God." Gilgamesh was slowly regaining his senses, reclaiming full control of his body.

"Don't get worked up; in the future, you might have problems with a particular person, so I came to talk to you." Hitogami wasn't intimidated by Gilgamesh's words and continued speaking as if they were on good terms.

"Any problem I have, in this life or any other, I will take it upon myself to solve, regardless of whether my death is at stake. There is nothing in this world that can stop me, including you."

"But I am on your side."

Gilgamesh smiled; indeed, this God was a fool to think that he, Gilgamesh, would trust a God and all his words.

"I want to help you, but with everything you've told me, you've made it difficult... But well, in any case, I'll just give you advice."

"I don't need it, I don't need anything from the gods." Gilgamesh was getting angrier by the moment, his hands and teeth were so tightly clenched that if he had the chance, he would have broken free.

"Whether you follow my words or not is entirely up to you," Hitogami said with a wide smile. "There is a Dragon God who is as strong as you in the human world, in fact, it is the last living God that has influence in the world you live in and has the power to destroy everything with just one attack of its maximum power."

"The affairs of this world are not my concern; I already fought my war and won it. So the last thing I'll do in this world is go around killing gods as if I had a deep grudge against them."

Gilgamesh's response was resolute and filled with his character; he was getting closer and closer to regaining full control of his body.

"This is not a matter of humiliation; we are in an astral place, so it's natural that your first body reflects your soul. I just want to tell you that your future wife may be in danger from a certain peculiar person who can conspire with a certain Dragon God to end your life."

Hitogami smiled broadly, waiting for a response.

"Have you heard me? Whoever may become my wife will be in danger..." Hitogami widened his eyes upon seeing a golden aura shine in this place.

In just a few seconds, that golden light completely illuminated Gilgamesh's body, and he stood up. "It seems that my life won't be so peaceful in this world because of you. If you hadn't intervened in my life, someone else might have killed you."

"What are you saying? Come on, Iya..."

"I told you, my name is Gilgamesh!" As if Gilgamesh's words had authority, his body, the body of his previous life, slowly transformed into that of the adult Gilgamesh, covered in golden armor.

"My name is Gilgamesh, Emperor of humanity, King of heroes... I swear to you, if I have the chance, I will go and kill you. No one has ever dared to mess with me in this way. You, cursed God, I will erase you from this world no matter where you hide." Gilgamesh raised his right hand, and this made Hitogami completely change his expression.

"Then you must be ready to lose your greatest treasure in this world, Gilgamesh!" Hitogami shouted with a deeply strange voice.

However, before Hitogami could say more, Gilgamesh pierced his heart, and his consciousness slowly faded away. "Next time, I will find you, Human God."


"Hoo..." Gilgamesh woke up again in his room, his enraged expression slowly calming down, and he muttered, "My strength must recover to its maximum level as soon as possible, as that would prevent unexpected visits."